I've got you all beat!
Sky Pager-StarTAC 10th Anniversary-Numerous Nextels-Numerous Palm Treos-Numerous Blackberries-G1-iPhone-Blackberry Curve-iPhone 3-Blackberry Bold-iPhone 3Gs-Blackberry Tour-iPhone 3Gs-Blackberry Storm (X5)-Blackberry Tour-Droid-Blackberry Storm 2-Droid-Droid 2-Blackberry Bold VZW-Droid incredible-Samsung Fascinate-iPhone 4 32g VZW-Thunderbolt-iPhone 4 White 32g-Blackberry Bold 9930 (Best BB ever)-Droid 3-DROID BIONIC-????
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
This tells me you either have a good connection somewhere for cheap/free phones, you are really hard on your phones, you are addicted to new technology to an unhealthy level, or you just have a lot of money to burn on phones.