Starting from the very beginning
LG VX5200 (first phone, and I was in high school so there wasn't much to complain about) -> Lg Chocolate (very buggy) -> got that warranty replaced by a moto razr Maxx (AWESOME rock solid phone. no frills but that thing worked and the reception was fantastic. Camera was also very good) -> Lg Voyager (was lured in by the html browser) -> htc eris (slow, crappy camera, non-existent software updates, ended up rooting to get newer software)-> BB Strom (got from a relative because I was so frustrated with the eris, couldn't stand it for more than a month) -> back to eris (at this point the trackball broke and kept scrolling to the left... VERY annoying) -> BIONIC! (got it the very day an upgrade became available on our account)
Compared to anything I've had before the bionic is absolutely awe-inspiring. I knew it would be better than my eris... but I seriously have not used my computer since I've gotten my bionic except to type longer messages (like on this forum) and to take online quizzes through my university. The bionic is faster on 4G than on wifi here (akron, oh) and I can't believe how much of a difference it has made in everyday uses such as facebook and web browsing. Also, from the 2 moto phones I've had and friends who have the OG Droid, Moto build quality is the best there is. Hoping this phone will last me 2+ years as it was quite an expenditure.