Whats up with the lack of updates?

How did you get the 4.04 OTA update, when there is no 4.04 OTA for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus?

Several people on various Android-based forums reported to have received the 4.0.4 OTA update. This is where the "leak" came from(I'm pretty sure P3Droid just added root to the pulled .zip and changed the kernel name to read "P3Droid" for publicity). XDA, AndroidForums.com, and atleast a couple other popular forums had users report that they had received the 4.0.4 OTA. Now, the OTA can be found all over. I used the pulled .zip from XDA to install it. See the link below.

OTA Update IMM30B 4.0.4 - xda-developers
Pretty sure we all know he meant "4.0.4 leak".

No, I mean OTA as in over the air. I didn't receive the OTA, but I installed the pulled .zip that came from someone else's OTA update. There is no difference.

A pulled OTA is not a "leak" in my opinion. Regarding the 4.0.4 update specifically, P3Droid released his rooted "leaked" version before most people even knew that an actual pulled OTA existed. I think this is where people got confused.
One word will tell you why. Samsung

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums

Samsung doesn't control updates for the Galaxy Nexus. It could easily be Verizon's fault, or even Google's, but it certainly isn't Samsung. Maybe your expertise could be used better in the Razr forum.
Don't blame Samsung and don't blame Google. You knew what you were signing up for when you joined Verizon. This is 100% Verizon holding this back. Their "bug testing" always holds updates back.

I'm running the 4.0.4 leak and it's been flawless so far. Far better than stock 4.0.2 and far better than the 4.0.3 source builds. There's no reason this update shouldn't have been pushed to users. With that being said, there's a lot of chatter about 4.0.5 dropping this month for the G-Nexus. Take that with a grain of salt.
OK maybe not the right thread but I am unlocked but not rooted if I do the zip will I still get the ota when it comes out? Sorry if this has been asked already

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Don't blame Samsung and don't blame Google. You knew what you were signing up for when you joined Verizon. This is 100% Verizon holding this back. Their "bug testing" always holds updates back.

I'm running the 4.0.4 leak and it's been flawless so far. Far better than stock 4.0.2 and far better than the 4.0.3 source builds. There's no reason this update shouldn't have been pushed to users. With that being said, there's a lot of chatter about 4.0.5 dropping this month for the G-Nexus. Take that with a grain of salt.

Grain of salt noted, but I lean that direction myself. I think Google has had more problems dialing in ICS than we will every be privy to, and that's why we didn't see 4.0.3 nor 4.0.4 released. I think they are trying to resolve the issues, so 4.0.5 is likely to be the next release we see. If 4.0.4 was ready for prime time I would think it would have been pushed out OTA already.

It's encouraging that 4.0.4 has been great for people. I just hope that whatever OTA we get is worth the wait.
No idea I would assume the one on this thread I still need to read up on flashing also as I haven't done that before either I used wugs tool kit to unlock if that makes a difference or is it better just to root and then do a rom? Yeah I know no good answer to that last question lol and how hard is it to flash a rom

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
No idea I would assume the one on this thread I still need to read up on flashing also as I haven't done that before either I used wugs tool kit to unlock if that makes a difference or is it better just to root and then do a rom? Yeah I know no good answer to that last question lol and how hard is it to flash a rom

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Wugs kit is great - makes it very easy, but you'll never understand what you're doing and why. If you want to learn a little about what you're doing, follow the Droid Life tutorial here. Flashing your first rom is pretty easy. Once you do a couple you could do it in your sleep.