I absolutely love this forum and hope it doesn't close, with that said I would like to say that the mods are doing their job, it is in the policy and I suppor them (even with being told I could serve a vacation early within the main tb thread) they do their job

(sorry for going on about the mod process)
Anyways, I'm going to take a trip to my vzw store tonight and just see what's going 'round

My guess is that we have a 45% chance of a February release solely because of the lack of VZW statements that actually pertain to a release date, however due to the massive ad campaign for this handset I still say its pretty possible.
March 3rd would be nice though too

it would be my birthday and it'd be nice to hear the TB's boot up thunder sound instead of another happy bday song lol

Btw here's something else I've been thinking,
Remember how they had the sign up page for more TB info on vzws website?
well my guess is that they base how much stock they should have based on the number of people who signed up for more info, after the ads launched on the tb on the internet and all you had to do was click the ad and it'd take you to vzw or htcs page for the tb, it may be possible that there were significantly more people than they expected who signed up after their ad campaign had been out for 5 days than they had thought
I think this theory explains why the date may have been pushed back and why Verizon is tweeting that it will be here soon, because maybe they were understocked

Just a theory though, anyone concur?
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