Motorola ditching a flagship phone. Good move Motorola. No updates in nearly 1 year? Easy solution - I'll never buy another Motorola again. Since I'm the "go-to-guy" for technology for my friends and relatives, I'll be sure to send them to Samsung, HTC, or Apple.
I wouldn't blame motorola alone. The galaxy line has never gotten any update and I'm sure the incredible is done too as far as official support. I would say it's more googles fault for releasing so many os versions in one year. The oems can't keep up! Hopefully google will slow it down in 2011.
Sent from my Droid
That's even worse. Motorola Droid pretty much saved Android, and is still the most popular Android device. The Motorola Droid has 15% of the smartphone market, and hasn't seen an update since March, which was 3-4 months late. If you're not going to update the most used, most recognized device on the OS, you're not going to update ANY device on the OS.
Android offers about a dozen things over other operating systems, but there are some severe deficiencies. The fact that Mr. Alfonso can be a full-time student, and code more efficient than MOTOROLA is a disgrace to their company. It'll always be the "next best thing" with Google and Android, while the iPhone continues to improve on models that were released 3 years ago - we've gotten nothing after 5 months.
It's pathetic. As far as I'm concerned, Android is much better than iOS, but Apple actually supports their devices for the lifetime of the device - easily getting more bang from your buck.