Who bought the GNex by adding a second line???

My upgrade is next week, I just wish I knew how much it will cost that way...
I was able to convince my sis in law to join our family plan and pay for the extra line, data, insurance, and difference between 700 mins and 1400 mins. She switched from Sprint and is still saving money and has data. The catch was she had to take my X2 so I could use the upgrade to get the GNex.

X2 is her first smart phone and she's happy with it... I got the GNex and still grinning ear to ear B-)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I added a line as well. I saw you say your phone was worth $50 as a trade in. Just sell it on eBay. I got 250 out of my x2 and could get that much as well if I parted with my bionic.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
We added a new line, got a gnex and a razr , and will use the next year of our contract to transition my wifes out of state number to the new local number. Once the first year is up and our current contact is up we can cancel that line and switch the phone to the new number that is currently using a ten year old esn. Sooooo at the end, an extra $120. Worth it to me and cheaper than retail cost.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
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I added a line as well. I saw you say your phone was worth $50 as a trade in. Just sell it on eBay. I got 250 out of my x2 and could get that much as well if I parted with my bionic.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Yeah I should have traded it in when BB was giving $301 for it. Now it's $89 however yes I will sell it privately and make much more. If I sell my Galaxy 10.1 Tab I will get it. I can get the phone for $500 so I won't be taking much out of my pocket. In about couple of weeks I'm sure it will be much easier to get this phone anyways; lol. All the hype will die down and it will be obsolete just like the Bionic is now. Crazy.
OK I think I'm picking up the phone tonight from a seller for $480. BTW will Verizon still support this phone even though I didn't buy it from them? Can I put insurance on it?
Really all depends what Rep you get

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
And we all know that can be a problem! LOL... Once I get it and get it activated I'll see if I can get the insurance on it. It's new so they should support it.
And we all know that can be a problem! LOL... Once I get it and get it activated I'll see if I can get the insurance on it. It's new so they should support it.

Back in January I bought a Droid X on ebay. Soon after I activated the phone my verizon online showed it as my device. I called vzw and they said the insurance automatically transferred. Same with happened with the Bionic and Nexus. It wont be a problem.
I had success with this years ago when I bought a blackberry phone off of ebay.
I'm also assuming they would replace the phone if I'm having hardware issues with it as it will be under warranty.
I'm now a proud owner of the Galaxy Nexus!! Yay me... lol Loving it so far. Screen is definitely different from my Bionic and trying to decide which one I like best. Bionic seems more vibrant.
I'm now a proud owner of the Galaxy Nexus!! Yay me... lol Loving it so far. Screen is definitely different from my Bionic and trying to decide which one I like best. Bionic seems more vibrant.

I thought the same thing at first but the Nexus started to grow on me big time! Now when I compare (all things considered) it's not even close. In the app drawer I love how black the blacks are! Little things also like the larger contact pics, the way to snooze or cancel the alarm, the way to answer the phone etc.