I see it all the time in here, and for you kids that see this please don't take offense. What parent, in their right mind buys their kid a smart phone? I don't care it it's Windows Mobile, Blackberry Storm, or Droid. It just doesn't make sense.
I'm not saying don't get your kids nice things. Spoil the hell out of the little rug rats if you want, that's your business. But man, do you not realize that giving a kid a smart phone is giving them almost total unlimited access to the internet. Unsupervised?
I'm not a parent. Never had an interest in kids, and I'm not saying I would do a better job if I did have a child. But I know there is just no way I would give my kid a Droid. A play station, yes. But a phone? they'd get the cheapest phone I could find. With clear instructions that there would be no texting during school hours.
Yet I see kids as young as 13 years old with Droids. Heck even if they got the money to buy their own Droid I still wouldn't let them have one. Confiscated until they are 18 (by then they wouldn't want the Droid):icon_ devil:
I have heard from some kids who say that they have proven to their parents that they are responsible enough and have got their parents trust. I wouldn't do it, just too much stuff out there for them to get in trouble with.
That's my opinion. I'd be happy to hear yours if you agree with me or disagree with me.