So out of these 3 phones you pick the phone that has the worst battery, a gimmick sound system(that's software based) and is running Sense.
And.. you don't care what the specs are in any of the devices, so you've made your choice based on what exactly?
First you said you don't like plastic, but the Rezounds back is plastic and rubber.
There's already been a dev who's found a way to import "beats" software into other devices, so it's possible that it can be available for all phones that are rootable.
we all knew that beats audio was to attract a set of users. it appears he is one of those set. its cool. i dont listen to rap and beat box stuff so i have no need to enhance bass.
with the g2x that has DTS the problem is it only works with stock apps and the speak er of the phone is way too quiet unless you turn on dts. hopefully beats isnt like that causing speaker to be quiet until it on. especially since it sounds like beats only work through the headphone jack.
the specs are not simalair though. but they all should perform closely.
nexus (dev phone)-unlocked bootloader-newer processor-stock android, NFC ,removable battery, largest screen, no sdcard
htc(music)beats-headphones,fastest stock clocked but equal clock to nexus processor specs.,sense, removable battery,sdcard locked bootloader at launch(and maybe not unlockable-no verizon phone has been unlocked by htc's website yet) (but they seem to be easy to crack)
razr(business)-slowest processor,nonremovable battery, better security, better business type integration, moto dock stuff,sdcard. locked and most likely encrypted bootloader.
I think all screens are decent. and battery life will be poor on all 3
the razr was really made to batttle iphone in the cooperate world i believe. its more geared toward business than play. although it should do that decent also.
all 3 phones shoudl be good (if they actually work as advertised and not like a pile of crud that has seemed to be released by all manufacturers as of late)
But they all are really geared toward 3 different demographics.
beats for that guy
moto dock stuff, business oriented software for those guys
dev phone clean android unlocked bootloader for me and others.
and which ever you fit in you will give up the problems with that phone.
not 1 is the complete beat all solution.
for me the nexus lack of sdcard is stupid and if verizon only comes out with the 16gig versionh i will not buy it.
but if its 32gigs than i can give up the sdcard because the rest of the phone fits my liking.
just as razr and/or rezound will others.
at leat razr and rezound likers know when they can get their damn phones