Yeah those benchmarks were ridiculous...very impressive by Apple
*Puts on flame suit*
Yeah, when I saw the "Specs" of both devices I figured the Galaxy S2 would smoke the iPhone, boy was I wrong!!!!
An Aircraft carrier has 26,000hp compared to a Ski-boats ~250, yet the Ski-boat has much much less heft to carry around and therefore makes it faster. Sadly, Android appears to be the heft!!!! I have said it hundreds of times, VM's suck at running code, even Dalvik VM!!! Or it could just be that iPhone has a much better GPU, SGX543. In theory 800mhz with 512mb ram would be much slower than 1.2-1.5ghz with 1gb ram, but in practice.....
Like I said though, I need to see ALL of the benchmarks before I can be certain which is faster, but right now it's not even close!!!! And to get that speed out of 800mhz is alot better on the battery.
I'm still up in the air, as I think ICS looks pretty sweet, and the phone definitely looks sweet. I just hate buying something that is not only not the best, but outclassed by such a wide margin.
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