here is mine so you have an idea.
35% display
19% cell standby
11% phone idle
8% android system
6% browser
3% voice calls
3% market
2% swype
There are a few others running as well, but they arn't doing much.
I would say that my battery was about 50-60% when i went to bed last night and is now at 40% (didn't charge it last night). Your battery might be bad.
35% display
19% cell standby
11% phone idle
8% android system
6% browser
3% voice calls
3% market
2% swype
There are a few others running as well, but they arn't doing much.
I would say that my battery was about 50-60% when i went to bed last night and is now at 40% (didn't charge it last night). Your battery might be bad.