I like the way Sense UI looks at times. But I want the option of switching to it if I want. Not as the standard. Having a thin phone and a hard keyboard with a metal encasing? And all the features of several other phones? IMO, Droid is closer to achieving that multi facet personality then any other android phone mostly due to the wide support base and its durable hardware. Until an LTE/4G Android phone comes out, all 2.1 Android OS phones are subjective using using Droids 2.0 platform as the standard starting point.
My jealous bug is the processor the Incredible starts with @ around 750mhz. Right now, OClocking from what I hear is not perfect via different exps I see on this forum.
So the Incredible wins there.
OLED? Ehh. that fails for me if you cant see outside. What's the point of a cell phone if you cant see what your inputting?
Ehh ill wait.
Ill wait on an LTE/4g phone.
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