Ok this may seem crazy -- bought a droid X right when they came out. Came from an iPhone 4 which I had just purchased a few months before that and couldnt stand the signal. Converted to Verizon. Loved the size of the screen. So let's see how long has it been now, a couple months? I've disliked motorola's products for a long time now, they always lack something and the quality sucks~! Needless to say the phone looked great I only hoped it would perform as well -- it did for 2 months then I lost all gps functionality, bluetooth dropped all the time, forget connecting to wifi, (2.2 did help but I still had numerous issues with wifi connection drops) after that the phone locked up. Had to remove the battery to reset it and it never came back (stuck in a boot loop, then a picture of the battery with a ? mark. Verizon corporate store told me it had water damage becuse the little sticker peeled off the bottom of the battery and stuck to the phone. Yeah you morons thats what happened, look at all the other moisture monitors nothing on them including the one 3cm from the battery one.
Finally got them to send me a new (refurbed) phone. In the meantime I was visiting a local mall in the area and found a best buy mobile store on free phone friday - guess what was free, an incredible. Signed up for a new number and took one home with me. How can anyone not like the incredible better? Besides the smaller screen it WORKS, nothing has been an issue at all. The UI is so much better and all the apps they have designed are so much better to look at. The hardware itself doesnt look like it was made in a toy factory. I DO miss the bigger screen though -- bring on the incredible HD say goodbye to motorola. HTC has it goin on these days & they know it.