I think that the poll should have been titled "Will You Return the Nexus If You ARE Experiencing data or phone problems"?
The way it is worded leaves it open for people to interpret what "they" think signal strength should be.
It's interesting to read the remarks from the people that say they "are" experiencing problems but will not return the device. I have to ask if they bought a house, car, stove...you name it, and it couldn't do what it was supposed to do, would they keep it.
My situation is that I live in Colorado, yes you better darn well have a phone/smartphone that can make calls when winter hit. I live in a great 4G area and expect that any phone I own that is supposed to be 4G, have no problems with handling 4G (of course that means when Verizon isn't having problems). My purpose for buying a smartphone is to receive and make phone calls clearly and download at 4G speeds whenever they are available.
Situation. I bought the Nexus. The significant other has the iphone 4S, and son has the Razr. Two days after buying the Nexus, we all are in my house and all are playing with our smart phones. At one point, I wasn't able to download at 4G, 3G or any other speed. I asked both of the others to try downloading the same thing that I had been trying to download and guess what....neither of them had any problems. I rebooted and didn't have the problem again that day. A couple of days later, I had the same problem but neither of them were having problems at all. Keep in mind this is about what I think should be a good signal strength or not, but the fact they were able to download and I wasn't.
When I buy something, I expect it to do the very thing I bought it for. For those that bought any smartphone for making calls and downloading but can't do one or the other and you still wouldn't return it, my hat is off to you. As for me, I no longer own the Nexus for that very reason.....it now resides back at the Verizon store that I bought it from.