I cant even answer right now. I love this phone, but the connection is just unbearable sometimes. I feel bad for people that NEED this phone to function properly at work. It use to be between the Rezound and the Nexus, but, Admittedly, i got the Nexus because of ICS even though the camera on the Rezound is, to my untrained eye, better, and i like the bulk of the Rezound a bit more. Now that i have played with the Nexus for about a week, i know i have made the right decision; i cant imagine trading it in for a Rezound, even with the bad coverage, and the terrible battery life. The Rezound is good and all, don't get me wrong, it's just not the Nexus. i think we can all agree on that. I do have until Jan 9th(thought it was the 15th?) to return so who knows.