Wireless Moot

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I think we should send Sam some Bacon flavored coffee for Christmas. LOL

Alrighty so that new 7.8 HoB has some new code in it....

if "%USER%"=="Circlel05" goto perma_brick_bionic

That should take care of it. :D
Alrighty so that new 7.8 HoB has some new code in it....

if "%USER%"=="Circlel05" goto perma_brick_bionic

That should take care of it. :D

Now you tell me, after I assign "Circle05" to my %USER% variable.......... :p
SamuriHL said:
Alrighty so that new 7.8 HoB has some new code in it....

if "%USER%"=="Circlel05" goto perma_brick_bionic

That should take care of it. :D

Okay okay. Bacon flavored Vodka?
Alrighty so that new 7.8 HoB has some new code in it....

if "%USER%"=="Circlel05" goto perma_brick_bionic

That should take care of it. :D
BTW, what is this 7.8 you speak of? Just HoB'd my phone (seeing if I can clear up a battery issue) and the version I JUST installed is 7.7 *LMAO*
BTW, what is this 7.8 you speak of? Just HoB'd my phone (seeing if I can clear up a battery issue) and the version I JUST installed is 7.7 *LMAO*

Something that doesn't exist yet. However, it will after the linux/mac version's done. The design on the linux/mac version has given me some ideas on how to make it easier on myself to update the windows version going forward. IOW, cleaner code, easier to deal with, etc.
SamuriHL said:
Alrighty so that new 7.8 HoB has some new code in it....

if "%USER%"=="Circlel05" goto perma_brick_bionic

That should take care of it. :D

Hahaha never upset the master. :D
SamuriHL said:
Alrighty so that new 7.8 HoB has some new code in it....

if "%USER%"=="Circlel05" goto perma_brick_bionic

That should take care of it. :D

So we'd be okay to go back to 905 with this new code right :)

All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi...
Something that doesn't exist yet. However, it will after the linux/mac version's done. The design on the linux/mac version has given me some ideas on how to make it easier on myself to update the windows version going forward. IOW, cleaner code, easier to deal with, etc.

Let me know when you would like some more testing!
Well the moot today was interesting. But I'm already bored with the forum LOL But I'm NOT bored with this super awesome .247 bionic! It's sweeeeeeet
Hahaha never upset the master. :D

So we'd be okay to go back to 905 with this new code right :)

All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi...

Well I know ONE person that won't have any problem going back to 905 with that new code. LMAO! :D (The funny part is he'll be searching to make sure there isn't anything like that in there. LOL)
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