The HoB was developed on top of other people's work that came before me. I did some clever tricks to make it work without losing your data. Sarge gave me the method for not rebooting the phone after an RSD flash and that's really opened up some serious power. I've also done a lot of my own development work to make it more powerful and easier to use. The boot img creation is based on the complex manual method that Matt developed. I automated it which was no easy challenge. The mini-fxz was also my idea. John Galt helped me with that one by telling me how to pull certain partitions from the phone such as recovery. It's been an iterative development process to get it where it is today. And through all of the months, it has been COMPLETELY battle tested. Dave and I have bricked numerous times on 235+ and have always been able to recover using the REINSTALL (mini-fxz) option. The dynamic menuing code is something I developed that took a *LOT* of work. It's not nearly as simple as it seems. Even what script to call is done dynamically based upon what option you pick and what files you have available to you. Root is dynamic in that if a new root method comes along, you can throw it in the root dir and as long as it has a run.bat to kick it off, you're golden. The FXZ...that's dynamically discovered. When we get a new one, you'll get a new FXZ installer that'll install it into the HoB. Then you'll delete the 905_FXZ dir and you're fully covered. This project has taken months, but, the results are a tool that is fully dynamic and battle tested.
*LOL* I used to brick my phone PURPOSELY just so I had an excuse to run HoB! The coding in that batch file is ingenious, though. It may go down in history as the "worlds most complex batch file". When I tried the feature to add support for .246 manually last weekend, that's when I went from "impressed" to "amazed".
The most amazing thing about it is that none of us permabricked during the testing phases *LOL*