New Member
Sorry I may not have been clear. Each install worked and was functional except for the contact sync.
Sorry I may not have been clear. Each install worked and was functional except for the contact sync.
Sorry I was not able to help. Please let us know if the reset and reflash resolves the issue.
OMG! Just happened to me also. I put Sapphire on without a wipe and everything was good except Gem setting F/C...So i wiped data and Cache and reinstalled Sapphire. Now all I have is stock Sapphire with root but cannot sync google, no apps, nothing....Im freaking out....Can someone help me out of this!!!!!
I dont even have a market app so i cannot go get Titanium backup to get my stuff back HELP!!!
How do i install a backup Ive had? I reboot into recovery then install what? I have several backups through Rom Manager...
Okay it is not a bug with sapphire. For some reason you have to manually set up the sync with google. To do this (and I had to do this so I know it works)
Go to Settings > Accounts & Sync > there you will see:
Background data........... box with a check with a check
then you will see
Facebook (if you have it)
Twitter (if you have it)
click on your gmail account, another window opens and you will see:
Sync Gmail
Make sure all three boxes are checked. Once you check all three or whatever ones are not checked google will sync and your contacts and calendar will pull over to your phone.
I had to do this with not only my phone but my husbands as well so I know the options are there and it will work.
Every rom I have installed I have had to Manually re sync google, contacts, calender, facebook etc.