That theory has been proposed and disproven before in these threads. Side-by-side photos of flat and raised keyboards on brand new Droids have been posted. There are two variants, and it has nothing to do with bubbling after prolonged use.
How does that explain that i had flat keys, and then they bubbled? i only noticed because some of the keys i didnt use all the time (the right sight alt, shift etc keys) were pretty flat when i started noticing my keys were bubbling.
On the other hand, maybe there are indeed two distinct keyboard phenomena occurring here. The raised keys on brand new Droids have been documented in posted photos. Can you put a photo here of your keyboard with the bubbled-from-use keys shown clearly?
I wouldn't doubt that the keys can bubble or otherwise get damaged by extended use, like a lot of electronics with membrane keypads. My microwave has a membrane keypad, and most of the keys on it started bubbling and then even tearing and peeling off (like blisters) after a while. I think it comes from using fingernails to press the keys instead of the pad of the finger. When my wife borroed my Droid to send an email, I cringed when I saw her using her fingernails to type on the physical keyboard.
There are some great photos of a supposed "bubbled from use" keyboard in post 67
Text to accompany photos that confirms original flatness of the keyboard found in post 92