Seriously, the title is extremely misleading. Almost sounds like XXXXXXX wrote it...(sorry to insert politics, can't help it EDIT: DELETED). These are features that they are going to market like crazy but in reality don't really give the consumer anything. Other carriers that offer actual unlimited data don't call their "capped" plans unlimited even though when you go over the cap you still re[ce]ive data at a throttled speed. They also give you more than one measly month to use your banked data. I mean, who has excess data every other month then overages the other 6 months of the year? I have rollover data, It is nice. It gives me confidence when I go places that I am bored to really burn down some data since I have a nice bank of it. But still, to make that bank I am essential over paying for my plan since I really do not use enough data for what I am buying.
Come up with something actually useful. Rebate customers for unused data, like Google does. Or bring back an actual unlimited plan, I know people would pay good money for it. Or at least let people "stash" their data for a year.
Also, I used to be a Verizon customer. I am a little tired of everyone still clinging to "the best network". Sure, in some categories yes, in others defiantly not. I was with them for many years. They are often slow to move on tech (although they seem to be doing well with 5G), Like when I was getting 1Mb/s on 3G, while everyone else was getting 10Mb/s on HSPA+, and being able to talk at the same time. They have a solid coverage yes, speeds are about the same across most of the networks now. And honestly, for most people any network will give them the same coverage as Verizon. I do understand that if you live in out in the boonies, Verizon will more than likely be your carrier.