Update from 2.0.1 to 2.2 issues


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
I have it back to 2.0.1 now. cleared the cache, and it appears to be factory reset (had to re-enter my google account). Thankfully, I used astro to backup my apps, and was able to get them reinstalled.

It isn't updating to 2.2 though. Got the update file, but am getting the following:
Stock 2.0.1 install on my moto droid. Trying to get to 2.2 with an update file, however, I am coming up with this...

E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command

-- Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
assert failed: file_getprop("/system/build.prop", "ro.build.fingerprint") == "verizon/voles/sholes/sholes:2.1-update/ESE81/29593:user/release-keys" || file_getprop("/system/build.prop", "ro.build.fingerprint") == "verizon/voles/sholes/sholes:2.2-update/FRG01B/45394:user/release-keys"
E:Error in /sdcard/update.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted

Do I need to go to 2.1 first?
I just answered my own question....

the answer is YES! If you are on stock 2.0.1 and want to get to 2.2, it looks like you need to first go to 2.1.

I thought that might be the case as the asert is looking to see if you are at on 2.1, and not below. That was the part that was failing.

I got my 2.1 image ( signed-voles-ESE81-from-ESD56.fa406da6.zip ) from


copied it to my SD card, renamed it to update.zip, went to recovery mode, and installed it, just like any other manual update, and then I was on 2.1.

Grabbed the stock 2.2 update.zip image, rebooted to recovery a second time, and now back to stock 2.2.

Now do I dare trying to root and install a custom ROM, which got me farked in the first place....
If you use the link in my sig you'll be fine!

Sent from OG Droid using the Droidforums App.
Thanks Guidot, and yes, I have been looking at it.