weird 3g/4g question

true blue

New Member
Jan 12, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Droid X2
Hi - new here ... have a question about a Droid X2 (would have put it in that section, but seems to be very little activity there and I'm hoping someone can help me out quickly!!) ...

The X2 is supposed to be 3g ... which is what I need for the $12 Page Plus plan. So, I just bought one, but they won't activate it because they're telling me it's 4g! What in the world?!?!? Everywhere I go, I read that it's a 3g phone ... but now it's 4g? How is this happening?
Seems like your issue needs to be brought up with someone with a position of more authority. If the device is on their "allowed" list of devices, then they should activate it with no issues.
Well, it's not so much that the device is on their 'allowed' list of devices, it's that 4g (no matter the device) isn't allowed on the $12 plan. Therefore I wanted (and thought I got) a 3g phone ... which the X2 'claims' to be. After further research, there seem to be other X2's on ebay that are 4g (they show a 4g opening screen) .... so how is it that the X2 is now a 3g OR 4g phone!?!
The Droid X2 is 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt 3G only. It's not 4G.

Assuming everything is in order with other compatibility factors on Page Plus (and I believe it should be since it's a Verizon device), I would take dezymond's advice and ask to speak to someone above those who say they can't activate it. Show them the specs on the official Motorola Droid X2 webpage, which clearly shows a lack of LTE. You can also point them to the wealth of reviews and news stories online that lament the lack of 4G in the device.
Not to be argumentative but look at this page directly from Verizon...



It's this kind of information that causes rifts in front line support.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
Not to be argumentative but look at this page directly from Verizon...



It's this kind of information that causes rifts in front line support.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
Yep. It's pretty sad when there's conflicting information just mere lines apart. A basic proofread should have caught that error in the description. It clearly shows no LTE support and even flat out says it doesn't support 4G LTE right below it.
Yeah, not to mention it's on the developer page. Can you imagine how many developers saw this and didn't make the connection?

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
I'm glad someone is taking me seriously here. It's not like I'm making this stuff up. Take a look at this phone ...
Motorola Droid X2 MB870 Verizon Smartphone 723755000124 eBay
The ad doesn't say much ... but has the 'official' standard description which says "This Motorola cell phone is a 3G-ready CDMA phone ..." but the photo taken by the seller obviously shows a 4g screen. There are several like this on eBay. I privately asked one of these sellers if the phone he was selling was 3g or 4g ... that this model was supposed to be 3g, but his picture showed it was 4g. His short reply was pretty much ... "Hey, this is a 4g phone, I don't know what you're talking about."
The one I bought also had this standard description, but when Page Plus went to activate it, it came up as 4g.
In my research, I had also come upon the verizon developer page saying it was '4g'. So my question would be ... did Verizon start making this model in 4g at some point ... and if so, why is there nothing about in anywhere online!?!? This is so frustrating.
In my research, I had also come upon the verizon developer page saying it was '4g'. So my question would be ... did Verizon start making this model in 4g at some point ... and if so, why is there nothing about in anywhere online!?!? This is so frustrating.
I hear you loud and clear. To answer the ultimate question, in a word... NO, this phone wasn't 4G when introduced, and was never migrated to 4G at any time in its entire manufacturing history. It's 3G to the bone.

Anyone can "Mod" a device to do something it's not intended to do, but this phone will only activate on a 3G network and in its off-the-shelf configuration will never communicate on the 4G network. It just doesn't have the radio operating on the correct frequencies to do this natively.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
Welp, this case seems like one that not even a supervisor would sorta bend the rules for. Considering the false information that shows up on the developer page, no doubt they'd have to go by the book. You may have to get another device true blue....
More misinformation about the Droid X2 and 4G compatibility. Gotta laugh. They call the site "".



Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
Welp, this case seems like one that not even a supervisor would sorta bend the rules for. Considering the false information that shows up on the developer page, no doubt they'd have to go by the book. You may have to get another device true blue....

The developer page also says and shows that it's not 4G in multiple places.

Unless the database Page Plus is using inaccurately lists the phone as 4G (which would definitely prevent it from being activated), then I still think a supervisor would be the person to talk to. There's far more proof that the phone isn't 4G than there is misleading information that it is. If for some reason the supervisor won't budge, call the Page Plus main customer service line.

I think part of the problem here is that the X2 was expected by many to potentially launch with LTE, including Verizon at one point. Some of these inaccurate write ups were probably written well ahead of the actual release of the phone.
The developer page also says and shows that it's not 4G in multiple places.

Unless the database Page Plus is using inaccurately lists the phone as 4G (which would definitely prevent it from being activated), then I still think a supervisor would be the person to talk to. There's far more proof that the phone isn't 4G than there is misleading information that it is. If for some reason the supervisor won't budge, call the Page Plus main customer service line.

I think part of the problem here is that the X2 was expected by many to potentially launch with LTE, including Verizon at one point. Some of these inaccurate write ups were probably written well ahead of the actual release of the phone.
While I agree that a supervisor should be able to overturn that decision, I think it's more of a case that the phone is listed as a 4g device and the supervisor has no power to really overturn what is on paper, in this specific case. And now considering the age of the device, I doubt they'd move the X2 to its appropriate list as a 3g only device.

True blue, you may be able to get it activated, but I have a feeling it'll take quite alot of patience on your end to get it done. Whether it's worth the hassle to you or not is definitely up to you.