after rooting ... i want to go into my OS and do stuff ....


Active Member
Jan 3, 2010
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like change color of status bar, and the default highlight color or check mark color.

shouldn't this be technically possible via the terminal emulator, issuing a command to change the color map of a specific item ?

for example, i want a dark grey status bar, and instead of highlight/selections in red, i want blue or yellow or purple, etc...
Nope - BSB has it right. There are files that you have to pull from the rom and edit them on a computer, recompile them and then push them back to the phone. Very technical stuff and it varies from rom to rom apparently.

Go to the themeing sub-forums here on DF and you'll get a lot of good info.

Good luck.
i run ubuntu on one of my machines @ home ... likely i can get my hands on source code/tools i can use to do this. but that would prolly be wasted effort if its already been done. problem is i dont want to rom my fone.

maybe gb will have black status bar and some other visual tweaks so ill wait & see ...

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