Droid 2.1 Update Delayed?


Dec 26, 2009
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NE Illinois
We will get 2.1 when Google tells VZW they can release it.

From everything that I have heard, the N1 has been something of a boondoggle, with sales not where Google wants them.

Google has a vested interest in making sure the N1's sales increase, and that it's OS is stable. It's "their" phone, from what I understand., they had a major role in it's design. The Droid was designed largely by Motorola, so the profits from the Droid accrue to VZW/Motorola more so than they would from the N1. If 2.1 gets released to the Droid, by and large, an already stable device, with a good level of customer satisfaction, the consumer may decide that the Droid makes better sense, than the N1, therefore taking profits/sales away from Google. In my opinion, when they get the N1 stabilized, and the complaints pared down, and sales up, we will see the release of 2.1 to the Droid.....

Start thinking late spring, early summer.


Dec 2, 2009
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Newport News, VA
Current Phone Model
LG V20
We will get 2.1 when Google tells VZW they can release it.

From everything that I have heard, the N1 has been something of a boondoggle, with sales not where Google wants them.

Google has a vested interest in making sure the N1's sales increase, and that it's OS is stable. It's "their" phone, from what I understand., they had a major role in it's design. The Droid was designed largely by Motorola, so the profits from the Droid accrue to VZW/Motorola more so than they would from the N1. If 2.1 gets released to the Droid, by and large, an already stable device, with a good level of customer satisfaction, the consumer may decide that the Droid makes better sense, than the N1, therefore taking profits/sales away from Google. In my opinion, when they get the N1 stabilized, and the complaints pared down, and sales up, we will see the release of 2.1 to the Droid.....

Start thinking late spring, early summer.

This sounds very reasonable and logical. But man, I hope in the nicest way that you're wrong. I guess the phone is fine with 2.0.1 but there's just so much curiosity about the 2.1. I think your right though, and from a business standpoint I guess it's always good to not let your left hand know what your right is doing. so we probably shouldn't expect any "official word"


Dec 27, 2009
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The way it's working out is that when 2.1 is released, nobody will be happy with it because it won't live up to all they hype that's been generated. I predict a litany of "Why doesn't 2.1 have . . ." threads to appear within 24 hours of the release.


Nov 7, 2009
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Sacramento area, CA
I have to say, I had a reliable inside source saying moto Droid and Eris would get updates on Jan 24. I am really pissed primarily because my source is now saying they don't have a clue when they will get the go ahead. He believes Moto/Verizon have the 2.1 ready to roll. It's a matter of something he's not even sure of.. as to when they will be able to release it. So it sounds like this google controlling it's release is indeed the issue, which as many have said, completely negates the whole "android experience" device we have. I don't understand why something as simple as "Yes, google has decided to hold off on allowing carriers to update their devices for a while..we're told the release date is now set at..xxx.. " I mean, communication is the key to everything. It's what keeps people coming back, and frankly, I told a bunch of people to pick up the Eris or Droid because a nice update was coming soon. Now I feel shafted. Even if 2.1 brings nothing to the table for us, it's the fact that we were all told by Verizon that the release would be soon after Nexus 1 came out that we'd get it, and now we have no info 3 weeks later. That pisses me off. I no longer need 2.1, it's the pure waiting with no info, no communication that is frying my arse. It's really simple in the business world to keep your clients happy. Keep them informed. Just like in marriage, the key to success is communication. It's staggering how many companies fail at this one simple thing.

I mainly want 2.1 for my moto droid because of the many who said it's snappier. But I really want it for some Eris owners I know because it brings them up to the modern version and not pre-talking GPS maps and such. IT also means more devices can now support 2.0+ apps. A few hand sets that are 1.5 or 1.6 will now be able to run 2.0 apps.. that's really good.


Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
NE Illinois
The way it's working out is that when 2.1 is released, nobody will be happy with it because it won't live up to all they hype that's been generated. I predict a litany of "Why doesn't 2.1 have . . ." threads to appear within 24 hours of the release.

The thing is, we know what 2.1 will contain, and we know what it won't. Any "crying" if you will, will be done by those who haven't read the multitude of "2.1" threads on this board, and are engaging in wishful thinking.

There is a thread or two that lists all of the changes/adds/updates that are in 2.1. Everyone should read them, so they know what to expect, and what not to expect.


Super Moderator
Oct 25, 2009
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Tallahassee, Fl
The problem with all of this is mere speculation. Even if you have insider information it doesn't mean it's 100% accurate. Until the day they push it out, google can and does have the right to not push it out do to many reasons. One of which reasons would be stability issues. As one of the other members already stated, there have been quite a few bigger issues with the OS that were not intended, once those get fixed i'm sure we will hear more about it. I however don't think it will be late spring / early summer. My bets will be that we will hear something new within 2-3 weeks as to whats going on. (If not earlier) Even when the droid came out, 2.0 was only an exclusive on it for what... 1-2 months, but seeing google never as i've seen made the claim that it was going to be the exclusive OS for awhile, i would bet more towards tech issues at the moment.

cereal killer

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Oct 29, 2009
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Austin, TX
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The problem with all of this is mere speculation. Even if you have insider information it doesn't mean it's 100% accurate. Until the day they push it out, google can and does have the right to not push it out do to many reasons. One of which reasons would be stability issues. As one of the other members already stated, there have been quite a few bigger issues with the OS that were not intended, once those get fixed i'm sure we will hear more about it. I however don't think it will be late spring / early summer. My bets will be that we will hear something new within 2-3 weeks as to whats going on. (If not earlier) Even when the droid came out, 2.0 was only an exclusive on it for what... 1-2 months, but seeing google never as i've seen made the claim that it was going to be the exclusive OS for awhile, i would bet more towards tech issues at the moment.
This is correct. There are issues with 2.1 right now and it will not be released until these issues are resolved. No use in "breaking" our devices for a launcher, gallery and live walls.

Rest easy and know when its released to us it will be a seamless and easy transition with no issues.


New Member
Jan 6, 2010
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Shreveport, LA
I believe that Verizon has the update and is holding off on pushing the OTA until after Wednesday, when Apple is releasing their information on the "iPad" and "iPhone Lite". If Verizon releases the OTA now, there will be not be enough attention given to the Apple deal. If they wait until after Wednesday, then this will keep Verizon in the lime light for longer, which is a better marketing maneuver.
Like others though, I'm not that impressed with what I have seen with 2.1. I haven't really made up my mind if I even want the update. One reason being the new app drawer. I do like the waterfall effect but I do not like the opaque background (Like GDE)


Oct 28, 2009
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Sacramento Valley, CA
I guess I'm a bit disappointed but I don't feel let down. The dates about the 2.1 release were all based on inside info, friends of friends and rumor. I don't remember seeing an official announcement from Google or Verizon with a date so in my mind it was never delayed. I just want them to be sure they get it right when it's released.


Super Moderator
Nov 1, 2009
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I'd rather let them iron out any issues with 2.1 then rush it out OTA.
It does seem plausible for VZW/Moto to hold off the update until after Apple has it's big day (Jan 27th).... this will keep some attention on VZW/Moto and Android handsets... in the rush of Apple reviews and articles that will follow the coming week :)


Nov 21, 2009
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Basically all I really want is information. Does from google ever read these threads? People would not be as upset if some type of information was out there...


Silver Member
Nov 29, 2009
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People will be upset no matter what happens. If a release date was announced and something happened to cause it to slip there would be even more griping. It's bad enough as it is.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2010
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San Francisco CA
I believe that Verizon has the update and is holding off on pushing the OTA until after Wednesday, when Apple is releasing their information on the "iPad" and "iPhone Lite". If Verizon releases the OTA now, there will be not be enough attention given to the Apple deal. If they wait until after Wednesday, then this will keep Verizon in the lime light for longer, which is a better marketing maneuver...

I'd rather let them iron out any issues with 2.1 then rush it out OTA.
It does seem plausible for VZW/Moto to hold off the update until after Apple has it's big day (Jan 27th).... this will keep some attention on VZW/Moto and Android handsets... in the rush of Apple reviews and articles that will follow the coming week :)

This is a good point. If they release the update shortly after Apple's announcements, they may even be able to partially submarine Apple's media attention.

That said, I'd much prefer to wait until 2.1 is solid, even if it's months away (which I doubt). None of the advertised features of 2.1 are that compelling to me.

Now, if they could fix the email app and some of the quirky intermittent problems with the sensors, that would be outstanding. :)


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
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Northern Ca
Everyone wants to guess and wonder why..... why not just wait until we hear something official rather then keep guess and spreading rumors? lol


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hi,I just talked to a friend of mine at Motorola and she said the 2.1 updates started going out Jan. 22 at random and everybody who is on android system would get the update.She advised me to just watch the notification bar on the phone for it because it could come at anytime.So we will see.But it is being sent out now at random.:icon_ banana: