G2 or wait and get S5


Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Detriot, MI
Hi I am wondering if I should get the G2 or just wait for the S5? I am not a huge fan of Samsung but my birthday is coming up in March and so I'm wondering is the G2 still a good phone or is it getting dated?
G2 is a good phone, but at the same time just as with any newly released phone is technically "outdated" within a few months. You're pretty much comparing a last generation phone to the latest generation in this case.
Samsung sucks. I will not buy a Samsung product as it breaks too quickly and easily. I've tried several Samsung devices and never had any luck with any of them. I have many stories of Samsung products that are not phones breaking, etc, but this is about phones.

As for my Samsung phones:

  • Can't remember the name, but it was a dumb phone back when you got the phone for free for signing up for a 2 year contract. Call quality was subpar and radio signal was half what it should have been.
  • Charge: Worse phone ever (and I had a Palm Pilot). Froze constantly. Glitchy, jerky, nothing smooth about it at all. Just a horrible experience. If anyone tried a Charge for their first Android phone, I have no doubt they have not returned. Call quality was subpar and radio signal was half what it should have been.
  • SIII: Broke after 2 weeks. I dropped it from a height of 2 and 1/2 feet and the screen shattered. It was one of my happier days because it meant I could get a new phone without the wife getting angry with me. It froze and lagged constantly prior to the dropping. Call quality was subpar and the hotspot and radio signal was half what they should have been.
  • Wifey's got an S4 for work currently. She complains every day about it freezing on her. I just tell her, "I'm sorry dear. I tried to get you a G2. Would you like me to order one now?" I have no doubt she'll take me up on it when the G3 comes out. I'm pretty sure that's what she's waiting for.

I'll never buy another Samsung product again.
Hi I am wondering if I should get the G2 or just wait for the S5? I am not a huge fan of Samsung but my birthday is coming up in March and so I'm wondering is the G2 still a good phone or is it getting dated?
Also, the G2 is not dated, but the G3 will be out probably around the same time as the S5. If you're going to wait on the S5, get the G3. If you want a new phone now, you can't go wrong with the G2. It's lightening fast and silky smooth.
The G2 was actually a little ahead of the pack when it was released so it is far from dated. Still a beast of a phone. Love mine and I have always been a Moto fan. In fact I am getting ready to switch to AT&T and just went out and bought their G2 for the switch. Yup I love it enough to buy a second one.

Personally I will never own another Samsung phone. Shoddy feel and lousy reception. That with the fact that they are following the Apple line of thinking and making each new release look like the last.
Also, the G2 is not dated, but the G3 will be out probably around the same time as the S5. If you're going to wait on the S5, get the G3. If you want a new phone now, you can't go wrong with the G2. It's lightening fast and silky smooth.

Is the G3 coming out anytime soon? I haven't heard of any rumors.
Is the G3 coming out anytime soon? I haven't heard of any rumors.

All rumor and speculation right now. I have read around the same time as the iPhoney 6 and also they are pushing it forward to better compete with the S5. But in actuality the G2 Pro may be released before the G3.
All rumor and speculation right now. I have read around the same time as the iPhoney 6 and also they are pushing it forward to better compete with the S5. But in actuality the G2 Pro may be released before the G3.

See my birthday is in mid March and I'm trying to find something that is going to be out for my birthday. I sorta want the G2 but if a new phone is coming out then I can wait a week maybe 2
All rumor and speculation right now. I have read around the same time as the iPhoney 6 and also they are pushing it forward to better compete with the S5. But in actuality the G2 Pro may be released before the G3.

See my birthday is in mid March and I'm trying to find something that is going to be out for my birthday. I sorta want the G2 but if a new phone is coming out then I can wait a week maybe 2
S5 will be available April but not sure if beginning or end. Seriously this waiting for the next best thing... you will wait forever as there will always be something new rumored.

Also I highly doubt that the g3 will be released April. If anything it will be in the fall.
I think the G2 will compare fairly well to the S5. The S5 camera will probably be somewhat better, but other than that the differences are pretty much personal preference.
S5 will be available April but not sure if beginning or end. Seriously this waiting for the next best thing... you will wait forever as there will always be something new rumored.

Also I highly doubt that the g3 will be released April. If anything it will be in the fall.

I believe the G3 is suppose to land on May 17. That info is right from LG.
I think the G2 will compare fairly well to the S5. The S5 camera will probably be somewhat better, but other than that the differences are pretty much personal preference.

I have yet to run across a better camera than the one on the G2. Samsung is gonna have to really do something special to top it. With that being said the G3 camera will be just as good. If not better.

As far as a May 17th release I can't see it happening. That was the initial plan I think. Not unless they do a rush. Which is not the smart thing to do. I think for the moment they are gonna use the G2 Pro to compete with the S5. If that wasn't the case there would have been something announced at MWC about the G3.

Tap'd from my LG G2
I have yet to run across a better camera than the one on the G2. Samsung is gonna have to really do something special to top it. With that being said the G3 camera will be just as good. If not better.

As far as a May 17th release I can't see it happening. That was the initial plan I think. Not unless they do a rush. Which is not the smart thing to do. I think for the moment they are gonna use the G2 Pro to compete with the S5. If that wasn't the case there would have been something announced at MWC about the G3.

Tap'd from my LG G2
Funny thing is, that's the one item my wife really hates about her S4 is the picture quality. My G2 takes beautiful photos and it's snappy. Her's takes a few seconds to snap a picture and they are usually grainy.
Funny thing is, that's the one item my wife really hates about her S4 is the picture quality. My G2 takes beautiful photos and it's snappy. Her's takes a few seconds to snap a picture and they are usually grainy.

I was blown away at the quality of pics the G2 takes. Mind you they aren't digital SLR quality. But for a cell phone they are hard to beat. And IMO rival the iPhoney.

Tap'd from my LG G2