Random reboot


New Member
Apr 28, 2011
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I just took my beautiful referb out of the box today and I love out. But it has randomly reboot ed about ten times today then most of them I barely noticed because the phone was sitting there quietly and then DROID! A couple of times I was mid text twice I hung up on my girlfriend because of a random reboot! And now that I'm on an hour long test call and browsing with wifi in an effort to use all the ram i can its being amazing. I can't explain it. I highly doubt I've seen the last of the random reboots but so far so good. Also I'm a heavy texter but now that I haven't sent a text in hours the phone hasn't restarted can any body shed light on that?

Phone is box stock and the first reboot came before my first app download
New battery too
Call is going an hour and ten min now
estimated temp from app is 38 deg C.
Any help or similar stories can help thanks in advance.

P.s. Please forgive my beginners swype thumb. A slower road to carpal tunnel
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It might have been returned for that same problem. I would request a replacement.
Its not running Gingerbread is it? Sorry if its a stupid question, I don't have a DX.

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thanks for quick responses

It may have been returned for that reason... but my thinking leans more towards it being perfect hardware wise but has faulty software crashing it..
if i cant find a software fix thats how its going to go down.

Everything is stock
android version 2.2.1

Should i be running gingerbread? I had a rooted palm pre 2 with patches galore and it was my favorite phone.
There are a few other threads about this, I know becuase I was having the same problem. I fixed it by turning the auto rotate off and I will turn it back on once I get gingerbread & see if that update helps with the rebooting. But yeah, I would try turning the rotate off and see if it helps you any.
Woops my bad damn swype thumb
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Amazing! Yesterday was a cold rainy day spent hiding in my room with my laptop and droid. GOODBYE STOCK OS!
so far I love gingerbread. no restarts. better battery life by far.
Love not having random apps installed by verizon without my downloading them. My sd card is in. my processing speeds are great no lag no freezes.

I found on the stock os these things made my phone unstable:
+Sd cards (blank & formatted)
+Auto rotate
+Calls where only the phone feature of the phone of actively bring used
+ leaving phone alone (not running apps, games, or music)
-locking the phone

so far no trace of the old problems

The liberty tool box donation app is invaluable best $5 I ever spent. Thanks to all who helped

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I don't know the answer to the reboot question, but in reference to your comment about using swype with your thumb, try using the pointer finger of the hand you naturally write with. It seems easier and faster to me..also the more you swype the more it gets to " know" the words you use the most and you can go into settings and adjust whether you want it to work faster or more accurately...it's a good idea to proofread before you send and to do the tutorial provided to get the best results.

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Don't remember where I saw it while searching the reboot issue but...
A couple of times it was suggested to uninstall Bump if you've got it.
I had it, uninstalled it and haven't had a random reboot since. (not rooted)
First do a bit of research. you can brick your phone doing this and knowledge its power . http://forum.androidcentral.com/hacking/6037-general-rom-faq.html

second root your phone this guy really helped http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?deskto...e.com/watch?v=T9PHyzUmOQc&v=T9PHyzUmOQc&gl=US

Then get the liberty tool box (donation version ) free only works with a liberty rom installed. Best 5 bucks spent on my phone. better than screen protectors.

use liberty to backup your apps. especially the free (paid) Iones from verizon that I deleted without a second thought

Then download and install the rom your after from the liberty tool box. You will find the newest rom liberty GB .04 in the ->rom manager-> nightlies

it will download to the app and I think its a long click to install. phone should do everything

!!clear your cache and data every time you install a rom. !!!

hope I helped

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