Downgrade to 902 - No app or data loss


Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
SamuriHL House of Bionic

Attention: The House of Bionic on is now closed.

Given recent events, I've had a lot of soul searching to do. I didn't take this decision lightly. The community we've built around the House of Bionic has been absolutely amazing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think so many people would end up using it. I want to thank everyone who's made the House of Bionic what it is today.

That being said, the House of Bionic on this forum hasn't been without issues. I'm very vocal and I choose to provide support in a manner that is not consistent with the goals of this forum. As a result, I've made the decision to move the House of Bionic to another forum.

Please note that I am not abandoning the House of Bionic community. Only moving it so I may better serve it in my own way. Those that wish to continue using it and getting support will need to do the leg work to find its new home. Leg work does not equal PM'ing me and asking me where to find it. :) You'll have to look for it. It won't be that difficult to find.

Again thanks to all who've supported me and the House of Bionic in the last many months. I look forward to continue to serve the community in the future.

Note to mods: This topic can be unstickied and if desired closed.
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Wasn't there a version of the FXZ floating around that DID erase data? Is there something I can check in the xml to verify the one I have won't erase apps/data?

Thanks for all your work!
This script doesn't use the XML at all. I require the 902 FXZ because it contains all the img files that need to be flashed. However, yes there is a version (sarge's I believe) of the FXZ XML that doesn't erase data. I don't use it because you still have to boot the phone after the FXZ is done and that defeats the purpose of not booting until you're back on a new ICS build.
Ok great. Not to be greedy, but does anybody have a link for an the OTA .905 update file? I've been updating automatic with an OTA after flashing back to 902 and the only 905 file I can find is for the leak version which apparently doesn't work with these ICS leaks...?
Question: When you say (in the batch script) that we need fastboot, does that mean we need the fastboot .902 files that are 660+ megs? Or is there something else that is called fastboot that is like an app or program?

Just want to clarify cause I wasn't sure. Thanks!:biggrin:
Moto-fastboot is a program. I'm in bed now but I'll find and post up a link to it tomorrow. Search for it and you'll find it.

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Okay, I had a feeling it was. Thanks! I'm writing a 15 page paper for my Theology class anyway so I'd better focus on that anyway, lol :icon_eek:
Can I get some confirmation on instructions on what I'm supposed to be doing. I understand it to be like this:

Download the .905 update zip and the ICS leak zip to my SD-Ext.
Create a folder on my desktop with the .902 FXZ file above in it, as well as the moto-fastboot file, and the Razrs-edge file unzipped into the same folder. Download the runme.txt file to that folder, rename it runme.bat, and basically double click and watch the magic happen?

Assumed phone connected, USB debugging checked. What setting should USB be on if I'm already on ICS? Mass Storage? MTP?
I will update the op tomorrow with better instructions. You need to unzip the fxz... To your desktop is fine. Drop in the moto-fastboot file and the runme.txt and rename it to runme.bat. Make sure you have the latest moto drivers installed. Connect usb. I personally manually reboot into bootloader using quick boot but the script should do it for you. Execute runme and follow the instructions. One note... If you want razrs edge root, there should be a sub directory inside the extracted fxz dir that contains the files. I think it's called razrs_edge_windows.

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