DROID RAZR Utility 1.7 Failsafe Edition


Premium Member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2011
Reaction score
San Diego

Also known to myself and a few others as the Ugly Edition...

This will stop all the problems with the utility closing after hitting a key at the batman screen, the findstr errors, and the path not specified issues people had.

What I did:

  • Removed the /files/ folder setup for this version.
  • Made a separate batch file for EACH of the options, in case the RunMe.bat is still messing up for people.
  • Why did you make a new 1.7 version? Should I upgrade if I have 1.7?
    This version fixes problems people had that are a little hard to explain how to fix. If you have 1.7 you don't need this
  • For any extra help with 1.7 see my 1.7 Help Thread
Download: http://crackflasher.com/dev/mattlgroff/DroidRazrUtility1.7_FailsafeEdition.zip

Original 1.7 Thread: Droid Razr Utility 1.7 [For Ics And Those Who Want To Go To Ics] - DroidRzr.com

For assistance see the help thread: http://www.droidrzr....17-help-thread/
Thanks W0017roid for the video!

I do not want anyone stuck with this. Please please please, put the 6.16.211 update zip on your external SD card before doing ANYTHING!If you do an option and end up in a semi-bricked state awaiting install and you don't have the update on your external SD card you aren't gonna have a good time.It will NOT magically appear there by itself.

Droid Razr Utility 1.7I mean for this utility to be used by those who are on Gingerbread and want to go to Ice Cream Sandwich (6.16.211), and for those who are on Ice Cream Sandwich and want an easier unbricking tool and rooting tool that includes ICS versions of Bootstrap, Safestrap, and the beloved OTA Rootkeeper by Voodoo.

Functions of 1.7:
1. Self explanatory, hopefully. Fail-proof. (Just need you to put 6.16.211 update on your SD card!)2. Implementation of my Unstuck Utilities into one simple function.3. Dan Rosenberg's new ICS 4.0.4 Root method.4. My implementations of TPSparky's 4.0.3 root method. You can use option 8 to use this root method, and option 9 after (if you choose).5. Self explanatory.6. Self explanatory.7. Self explanatory.8. For use with the 4.0.3 root method (option 4).9. For use with the 4.0.3 root method (option 4).

If anyone is feeling generous and wants to buy me a "beer" then click the spinning batarang below. Thanks and enjoy the utility!

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Awesome work as always Matt!

Thread stickied :)...
I'm going to assume that the 6.16.211 update is included in the utility folder and is the "preinstall" image? either way I'll download it from the mirror, but is that what the preinstall file is in the zip? That should probably be mentioned in the post if it is so people don't have to go and download it separately.
I'm going to assume that the 6.16.211 update is included in the utility folder and is the "preinstall" image? either way I'll download it from the mirror, but is that what the preinstall file is in the zip? That should probably be mentioned in the post if it is so people don't have to go and download it separately.
That is a terrible assumption.

The preinstall.img is a Motorola fastboot file which does not include the update package. Preinstall.img contains the Know Your Device videos, and most of the bigger bloatware files. Please do not mislead people.
Hi Matt,

First, thanks for this.

Second, I downloaded the zip, installed drivers, clicked RunMe.bat and it has been stuck on "Waiting for device..." for the last half hour.

Any suggestions?
Hi Matt,

First, thanks for this.

Second, I downloaded the zip, installed drivers, clicked RunMe.bat and it has been stuck on "Waiting for device..." for the last half hour.

Any suggestions?

i'm having the same issue. i recently got the razr maxx. did not root it and instead waited for the official OTA to ICS. i installed the OTA and the phone works great, but now i want to root it and when i run option 3, i just get "waiting for device..." i have mock locations set to enabled, usb debugging set to enabled and MTP mode. what am i missing? windows explorer recognizes the device and all the drivers have been installed. do i need to first install that motocast program? i'm stumped. i am running the DroidRAZRUtility.bat from the folder unzipped onto my C: drive.
Hi Matt,

First, thanks for this.

Second, I downloaded the zip, installed drivers, clicked RunMe.bat and it has been stuck on "Waiting for device..." for the last half hour.

Any suggestions?

I had same problem so here are the steps I did.

1. Downloaded the zip and Unzip all files
2. Downloaded newest version of Motorola Device Manager( windows driver.)
3. clicked on Runme.bat
4. choose 3 for rooting ICS 4.0.4

Voila, I'm back where I wanted to be. Thanks to all the developer who made this possible.
Download failsafeedition.zip link stopped working

Download failsafeedition.zip link stopped working
Can you still unroot ICS with the older 1.6 version? Just curious because unroot isn't an option in the 1.7 release. Thanks