[TOOLS] DROID RAZR Utility XT912 Jellybean -- Windows + Mac + Linux (All In One!)

Jellybean update to restore Razr to Verizon programming

I bought a phone that was flashed to Cricket. I am currently trying to get it back to the verizon operating system. I used the utility to root the ICS version. I am now trying to use the Jellybean utility to update again. I was told through a grapevine of tech support doing so should take it back to the verizon system so I am able to use the phone on my account. I don't think it is recognizing the phone. I have downloaded, deleted, and re downloaded the drivers and im doing it from the AP fastboot screen. I'm trying to do option one to hopefully wipe the Cricket info from the phone. Please help. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Just want to double check something before I poceed. My wifes phone is a Droid Razr and while running ICS I had it rooted and apps frozen with Titanium Back up. The other day she accepted the OTA update from verizon without defrosting the frozen apps and is now running JB 4.1.2 She has not had any issues but has obviously lost root. I however do not see some of the apps that were frozen in her app tray, such as Blockbuster, Slacker radio etc. Two questions, Can updating while having apps frozen cause any unforseable issues and will this utility still work to root the phone.
Utility doesn't work for me

The same here, could anyone help us?!

I'm having the same issue mentioned previously with getting the utility to run. Does anyone have an answer or know why it would close the utility when I press any key (spacebar) instead of bring me to the next screen? I've tried a dozen different ways including running as Admin as mentioned above.. no luck.. windows 7 user btw
I used matt's utility from last year and it works great.

I have to ask--what is the difference between using this technique and doing the OTA update?
I pressed option 3 to just root my phone. It successfully went through the entire process. After everything was said and done I installed superuser and root checker from the market. Root checker still says I do not have root.

Do I need do do options 1 and 2 before 3 in the .bat?
I pressed option 3 to just root my phone. It successfully went through the entire process. After everything was said and done I installed superuser and root checker from the market. Root checker still says I do not have root.

Do I need do do options 1 and 2 before 3 in the .bat?

NM. I did option 1, then 3. All is well now. Thanks for this great utility.

Matt, once again, great work!

However; You should probably tell people that this utility doesn't work if the phone is plugged into a USB 3.0 port. Took me a few minutes to figure that out.
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going to take the plunge tonite and root, first time doing this , wish me luck:icon_ banana:
going to take the plunge tonite and root, first time doing this , wish me luck:icon_ banana:

You'll LOVE having root! Just follow the instructions TO THE LETTER!!!! When you're done, visit APKMania.co and get yourself Titanium Backup Pro. Have fun!dancedroid
:frown:tried 4 times option 2 then 3 , now going to try 1 then 3

did wipe (option 1) then 3 then 4 ,worked like a charm ,

thankz love my phone again
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I've been wondering why there is never an option to keep your data like the factory updates. I know it's better to wipe, but some times you don't have time for all that and need your phone fixed now and you can't spend hours reloading. Thanks.
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So my issue is a little strange. I've extracted the .zip file to its own folder on the desktop. installed the drivers and everything went smoothly. When i double click the utility it opens just fine and when i hit a button to start it it closes. i've tried running it as admin and that didn't work either. something i missed? thanks.

My win 7 computer was doing the same, I found out when I downloaded it, it add a (1) to the end so make sure there is no extra number or anything on the end of the folder name. DROID_RAZR_Utility_Jellybean_XT912_WinMacLin should be the folder name
I have a problem...
I haven't rooted a phone since the original droid, but I decided to try this to get rid of the bloatware among other things. I consider myself very knowledgeable when it comes to PCs and windows, but not very knowledgeable about android.

Phone: Droid RAZR running 4.1.2 that I got OTA.
I've never messed with the phone until today.

Anyway. I followed the video step by step. One difference I noticed was that after selecting 1, the process started automatically. In the video, it displays the warning message and then asks you to press a button to proceed. Mine just started. I didn't think this was a big issue as the phone was plugged in and ready to go. So I let it go on.

The process completes and I get the complete message on the command prompt. My phone reboots, but then I get the Motorola logo for about 8 seconds and then I get the following error.

Invalid Flash Mode (S) (Boot Failure)
eMMC Info: Size 16G
To return to normal mode - first press power key to power down
Device is LOCKED.  Status Code: 0

Battery OK
OK to Program
Connect USB
Data Cable

Invalid CG OTV (CG: system): Invalid SP Data
Invalid CG HAB (CG: system, status: 0X0056)
Invalid CG OTV (CG: system)

I tried repeating the process to no avail. Not sure what to do.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

I switched to a 64 bit computer so I could use the different drivers and I've gotten past the initial error and it now seems to be working.

I don't know why, but the 32 bit drivers didn't work for me.
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Ok! First time was the right time. Got everything installed with no apparent problems. Just a couple questions. 1. With Safe Strap installed, do I need Voodoo OTA? 2. It appears that my signal has been reduced. Is that common or is it unrelated? If it IS related, is there a fix?

Thanks again for all the help. Matt, as soon as I get divorce #2 off the ground, a keg like donation will be on the way!
I did this on my Droid 4 from Windows 7 64-bit. It worked except that it wouldn't read either the internal or external SD card. So I factory reset and tried to flash it again. This time I did it from 64-bit Ubuntu. That was probably a mistake, this was the output I got:

jj@JJ-Ubuntu:~/Downloads/JB root$ sudo ./LinuxMacUtility.sh 
[sudo] password for jj: 
64 bit Linux System
Resetting ADB and Launching Droid RAZR utility...
   This Isn't A Windoze Tool. XT912 CDMA/Verizon Linux/Mac Utility JB   

[1] Flash Official Jellybean Firmware (Wipe Data)
[2] Flash Official Jellybean Firmware (No Data Wipe)
[3] RAZR Blade 4.1.2 Root by Djrbliss
[4] Install Safestrap 3 App by Hashcode

press any key to exit
Make your choice
64 bit Linux System
[*] Simple Razr Restore
[*] Linux/Mac Version
[*] Before continuing, ensure your Razr is in the
[*] 'AP Fastboot' mode and connected via USB.
[*]--- Also press the keys after the screen flashes back on when asked---
[*} Be VERY aware! This WILL wipe your userdata, including contacts, apps, etc.
[*} I am not responsible if this wipes your internal sdcard, and you should 
[*} backup anything worth it to you to your external sdcard and computer before
[*} you choose to continue. You can exit now with the X button on this window.
[*] WARNING: Do not do this at LOW BATTERY! You have been warned!
[*] Get Ready To Break Out Your Sudo
[*] Press Enter To Continue

        sending 'mbm' (512 KB)... OKAY [  0.045s]
                 writing 'mbm'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
     rebooting into bootloader... OKAY [  0.006s]
Press any key when the screen flashes back on.

   sending 'mbmloader' (42 KB)... OKAY [  0.010s]
           writing 'mbmloader'... OKAY [  0.295s]
        sending 'mbm' (512 KB)... OKAY [  0.222s]
                 writing 'mbm'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
     rebooting into bootloader... OKAY [  0.144s]
Press any key when the screen flashes back on.

It won't turn on now. I'm guessing it's bricked?