Droid X2 dock "hack"


Feb 14, 2010
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I was able to "hack" ... literally ... my old Droid X2 dock into a RMHD dock. This is a great bedside solution allowing me to charge my RMHD in the dark without fumbling, wiggling, the small micro-usb jack ... which always seems to be upside down!

I don't have a dremel or anything, so I did it with ... drum-roll please ... a sharp detailing razor (no pun intended).

The first step is to remove the left wall of the dock bay (the part the phone rests on) blocking the RMHD from fitting lengthwise into the dock:
  1. I did it by carefully tracing and scoring the portion I wanted to remove with the razor.
  2. I used the razor to make the scoring deeper and deeper.
  3. I used the pliers to carefully wiggle and bend that left wall until it started to break where the scoring lines were.
  4. Finally, I used the razor to finish removal of the left wall and smooth out the hole left in the dock
  5. don't throw out the pieces of the removed wall just yet!
Now, the RMHD fits in the bay lengthwise. However, the RMHD is still too thick for the power and hdmi ports to line up. To fix this, we need to move those ports forward about 3/16 of an inch. This is the tricky part because of how detailed you must be with the razor. Be patient as this is time consuming. Wearable magnifying glasses might help here.
  1. using the razor, score (as best as you can) in front of each port an enlargement of approximately 2.5 mm.
  2. as you do this, you should be able to wiggle and angle the razor so that you can remove portions of the enlargement
  3. once the holes are enlarged enough, wiggle each port forward to ensure they move forward sufficiently ... you can even try to fit the RMHD into the dock with some gentle wiggling (be careful not to damage the receptors on the RMHD).
Finally, to make the RMHD slide easily into place on the "hacked" dock, we will need to put spacers in each port to hold them forward into the enlargement areas permanently. Using the plastic pieces of the removed left wall, I cut super small portions (4mm x 2.5mm) and jammed them into the rear portions of each port hole to move those jacks forward into the enlargement areas
I need a picture or three please.

I really don't, but post some pics anyway.
It is hollow ... Here are some pics!

I actually started messing with mine right after posting. Did you remove the silver metal cover from the magnet?

I removed the left wall. I am wondering if moving the metal piece to the rear a bit would be better than moving the ports. I couldn't get much forward movement from the charging port. If you remove the magnet assembly altogether, the phone ines up pretty well, but I think you still need something to help support the phone so that the chargiung port isn't bearing all the weight.
I tried removing the metal sleeve but that didn't give the phone enough room without really really forcing it. Since the only choice left is to move the ports forward, I figured let's just move them forward a bit more to allow us to leave that sleeve on. My reasoning here is that taking the whole thing apart is a real pain with all the small screws. Plus, that adhesive backing doesn't seem to go back on nicely after reassembly.