Final Froyo Release for Sapphire by CCRoms V2.02 Next Up Gingerbread


Premium Member
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Birmingham AL
Welcome to the final release of Froyo, by the CCRoms team, which means you guessed it, we're switching gears to Gingerbread after this release. With this release we managed to get the Evo/Emerald going as intended(sorry for the wait.) The Galaxy S style pulldown power widget has been implemented in this release as well. Gem settings have been completely re-written as well, to provide a more intuitive and easier to understand interface for everyone, and of course bug fixes abound.

Droid X users, at this point there is nothign more we can find to do to improve battery life. When/If the battery starts to drain fast, gets sluggish, or gets hot, reboot the phone this will put the race condition causing all of these problems back to sleep, unfortunately there is no way to put the process back to sleep once it wakes up and if you kill the process kernel panics and the phone reboots anyway.
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Great job as always from cvpcs and the CCROMS team. Looking forward to gingerbread.
Froyo had a good run...GB smokes though...the alpha roms i've played with all run very fast and very smooth...i can only imagine what it'll do in the hands of this group...this makes me not hate the killing of new every 2 as much at least
thanks for all of your hard work on this (and every other) build. I can't wait to see what the CCROMS team comes up with for Gingerbread goodness.
Thank you for the work you have all put in. Can't wait to get home and download! I am looking forward to GB.
Only one thing was missing :(

Black Status bar as default.

Otherwise PERFECT!
Downloading in RM now and going for an install. This ought to be fun. :)
wipe coming from 2.0 necessary?

I was going to do a full backup and not wipe the cache and see what happens. Usually that's bad, but, if you do a full backup you can always try again. I haven't done a titanium backup yet so I'm being lazy. :D