New System Update - 24.91.5


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo
What do you know, a new update, 24.91.5, was pushed on my Turbo this afternoon. Just finished to install it and about to do a cache wipe, just in case.

Two updates in three months has to be a new speed record for Verizon :D.

For the inquiring minds, I found this on VZW website:

Droid Turbo Software Update | Verizon Wireless
Just finished the cache wipe as well. It took the usual 20-25 minutes, although it is the cache formatting that takes forever, not the wipe per se.
Nothing special I can see.I had it for over a week. Apparently bug fixes for some that had issues with Marshmallow update initially.
Just finished the cache wipe as well. It took the usual 20-25 minutes, although it is the cache formatting that takes forever, not the wipe per se.
Agree with Yeti. I don't think you'll notice any real changes. I think the biggest reason for the soak test was to make sure they weren't going to start bricking encrypted phones again.
Now I have 2 more to update, just because. Wonder if it'll fix the speaker issue of my first one. Probably not.