Notification clock

Man I want that clock gone! Just so I realize how convenient it really is and add it back.

I would like to see the option to remove it because it drives me nuts :icon_eek: to see the clock in the top right when you have a big clock right underneath it when using Beautiful Widget.

I used to feel similar (and while on CyanogenMod I did have it eliminated completely) but then one day while on Tapatalk for a while I wanted to know the time...and realized it would be nice to just look at the notification bar instead of going "home" and then returning to the app. So now I just accept the redundancy while on my default home screen.
I cant get into bugzilla to send a request, but I think it would be nice to have 10% battery increments and be able to enable and disable them and edit their colors from spare parts :)

this has been committed for inclusion in the next release

Man I want that clock gone! Just so I realize how convenient it really is and add it back.

I would like to see the option to remove it because it drives me nuts :icon_eek: to see the clock in the top right when you have a big clock right underneath it when using Beautiful Widget.

this has also been committed for inclusion in the next release
I would like to see the option to remove it because it drives me nuts :icon_eek: to see the clock in the top right when you have a big clock right underneath it when using Beautiful Widget.

this has also been committed for inclusion in the next release

Wow. Thanks for the quick reply and response to user requests. Gonna move over to Sapphire tonight when I get home. Can't Wait!
Squeeee! I can't wait! I hates that clock.


I think it's like the noise a mouse makes if you accidentally step on it. Or a pre-teen girl that finds one of those sparkly vampires :p
