[ROM] Team Haters presents -Dream Killer. Vzw toro

Lol. Yes there's going to be a update. Uploading now

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Awesome, I'm gonna flash this right when I get home from then. Dig the ROM a lot.
Sweet. Thanks

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
DSP manager settings still don't work for me, not sure why. This sucks ha ha
DSP works

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I mean I see that there are a bunch of other sound options, but I can't get any of the settings from actual DSP manager to work. I'll try again later today though. I'll reflash and see what I can figure out.
I have it working.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Did you modify any other settings for it to work?
Update: I've updated to the newest update and I love that you got rid of the phone display but now when I have a missed call I can't see who called me it just sends me to the people app. Did I miss something or how do I access my missed calls?
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I don't know if anyone noticed but I can't share pictures from Facebook app to the messaging app to a contact within the phone. I get the following :

View attachment 59537
I have already reported the issue via the prompt but I figured I should post here as well. I would attach an alogcat but it said that the reporting app got it.

View attachment 59538
Any way to help?
Edited: build 21 has wake lock issues and turns off/black screen. Battery pull is the only solution.
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love this ROM but the 12/21 build FCs and has a lot of wake lock issues for my phone. switched back to the prior build and everything is fine.
Bluetooth MAP,AVCRP, etc??

Does this ROM support Bluetooth MAP, AVCRP, A2DP etc. ???