Updated Themes By Roberj13

i already figuared out the volume stuff
here is the colors list pulled from original theme roberj did


ok here is what i got now ma wife actually loves color purple so i asked her for a critics eye. not updated yet requesting permission to use a bootanimation to go with theme.


the dark purples dont go well with the dark status bar so i used eed2ee as most notification
volume bar is fixed. it is purple

this pic you can see the clock has purple tint compared to the volume control which is white

since i dont use purple on normal basis i wasn't gonna buy a purple launcher theme so i used roberjs alternate black

dont mind the blue has nothing to do with this theme


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now the link in op is updated see post above for visual change
oooh...looks nice. D/L now. I'll let you know how it's working.

UPDATE: Loaded it, and man it's pretty! I actually really like the subtle shading of the notification bar clock and the charging/alarm on the lock screen. The boot animation is pretty nifty, too. I'll just change back to my old font and a switch to my round batter w/percentages, and I think I'm good to go. (I'm sorta torn on the battery, on the one hand, it would be kind of nifty for it to be purple and match...on the other hand, I like seeing the number and it's really easy to see a green-orange color change.)

Great job!
ty i am glad you enjoy it now on to fine tune redline any questions or problems post here. i might be slow but consistant. and remember if you want the background that roberj uses it is at his home page.
Thanks a ton. I have a gelaskin on my phone, so I use that as my background. Let me know if you need anyone to test run your other themes; I'd be happy to help.
That one is sick man, as soon as you get permission please let us know. I'd rock that one :)

yea gimme a little bit to compare robers original i never ran it more then to test pulldown and fonts i can make purple no problem icons "should be same as he had in earlier release

will you do me a favor go here pick purples you would like it to be post the 6 digit code or codes here

i wish i could put this theme out for public still waiting for permission

Good News Roberj13 is returning very soon and i put a effort in making his themes live on but only he can perfect them. so soon we will be able to get work from him yet again
no if you got 7zip you can remove adw launcher before install or remove after install although it is themed to match
nothing it is just an application
but you might have to use a root explorer to do it
Hey Jason will these new versions be added to rom manager anytime soon? I am still using you .4 reline with BB .5 with no problems and I am downloading the new redline now. Just wondering, thanks for the great themes I love these so much more that using a dumb home launcher. Home launchers are just a waste of resources.
Anyone else having trouble with the BE link? I can't get it to download.
Just to give you feedback I went back to redline .4 because .5 is missing red themes in many places, such as volume, download progress bar and a few others. Also in the status bar the "clear" button is pure white with white text. I know what it does but maybe that can be fixed too.