0-10, all things considered

Aftermarket USB car and home chargers even if their rated at 1 amp will charge the the battery at .5 amps. Samsung and several other phone manufacturers put a jumper across the 2 center data leads to tell the phone to charge at 1 amp. Aftermarket chargers don't have this jumper, the phone detects this and charges at .5 amps. You can tell if it is charging at .5 amps by going to settings>battery. If it says CHARGING USB it is only charging at .5 amps. If it says CHARGING AC it is charging at 1 amp. Verizon car chargers have this jumper and will charge at 1 amp.

Interesting. I'm sure I'll plug in my device at some point tomorrow and I'll check that. I have a feeling its USB mode because even my standalone GPS thought it was hooked up to a PC at first. Definitely the adapter then as a normal car charger works fine. Thanks for posting that info, that hadn't crossed my mind :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Out of the box, 8/10.

Rooted w/custom rom, 9/10.

It will never be a 10/10 for me because of the camera. The camera is good and light years ahead of my OG Droid - but fails miserably when compared to an iPhone.
I'll go ahead and give it 10/10

Given the fact that we live in the real world, and that there is no way to make everyone's perfect device... This IS as good as it gets for the moment.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
9/10 it has been perfect for me except that the signal does not show accurate readings. data and calls are fine for me.
-1.00 connectivity issues
-.5 camera(even if I don't use it much)
-1.00 Build quality (no gorilla glass, battery cover, overall feeling that this thing would shatter if dropped from any substantial height)
-.5 speaker and sound quality (Voice calls are decent but even the GPS sound quality and music playback are low and tinny sounding)
NOW: 7.0/10

If the connectivity issues turn out to indeed be a software and not a hardware issue, and they, along with the speaker sound quality, are fixed, then the device will be a soilid 8.5/10 for me.
-1.00 connectivity issues
-.5 camera(even if I don't use it much)
-1.00 Build quality (no gorilla glass, battery cover, overall feeling that this thing would shatter if dropped from any substantial height)
-.5 speaker and sound quality (Voice calls are decent but even the GPS sound quality and music playback are low and tinny sounding)
NOW: 7.0/10

If the connectivity issues turn out to indeed be a software and not a hardware issue, and they, along with the speaker sound quality, are fixed, then the device will be a soilid 8.5/10 for me.

Well we know the speaker sound quality is software because you can mod it with volume+.
Well we know the speaker sound quality is software because you can mod it with volume+.

True, the question is whether or not they implement it in a timely manner of an OTA. I believe that if I spend my money on something it needs to work out of the box. Hopefully it gets released soon.
The signal issue is a red herring as discuss ed elsewhere. Reception issues in fringe areas I haven't tested. Battery life is awful, but mostly cuz I can't leave it alone.

Some of the phanboys are insufferable. The signal issue is NOT a red herring, despite what this misinformed sunshine blower believes. Take a look at the screenshots from yesterday. My phone didn't leave the coffee table. I live outside of Denver and have excellent 4G coverage and perfect 3G. Yet, my phone spends most of its time disconnected from both unless I frequently intervene.


I give it a 2/10 due to the fact that the phone constantly loses data connectivity, misses most incoming calls, has dropped numerous calls, and has issues with the other side of a call losing audio.
You know what...the screen shots above could be really key. It shows when you are actually with/without signal.

All I know is there is enough real world examples to say its a real issue for some ppl.

I just checked my RAZR....and for me being in a bad reception area....me actually having a signal is alot better than that screenshot.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Coming from a WinMo phone owner, I'd give this thing a 12 if I could. I've had 2 updates (I think?) and got the phone on release day. I had my old Omnia II for 2 + years and NEVER got one update, talk about abandonment! I wasn't risking it again with any of the new WinMo phones so I bailed. The only feature that seems sub-par to me is the camera, can't take a decent pic for the life of me (I know how to focus it). I'm still learning though so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt. I see alot of potential for this phone, plus I don't mind dl'ing a couple of free apps (volume+, lightflow) to make it work how I want it to, regardless of the fact that the functionality should've been included with the device (and very well may be down the road).

I'm outside of Pittsburgh, get a solid 4g connection. It's not lightning fast but the connection hasn't dropped. Battery life didn't impact my vote because I have a power cord everywhere I go (home, truck, work) and a spare battery for emergencies. My honeymood stage with the GN is almost over so I'm sure I'll settle down on use in another, oh, couple of months or so. :)

EDIT - I will say I picked up the phone as soon as my local VZW opened on release day, only to be struck with 6 random reboots in an 8 hour period (one of which was while I was talking to the wife, to which I got a "nice phone" comment from her). Anyways, exchanged it on the way home from work later that day and the second device has been flawless.

Wanted to add a screenshot with my last post. Now...in my apt...I can barely get 3G or 4G. But see how for phone reception its a strong connection?
I give the phone an 8. After some updates should get better. The battery door feels cheap. Get the signal fixed so its reliable. The extended battery has done great. I do love the screen on this also.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums


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I give the phone an 8. After some updates should get better. The battery door feels cheap. Get the signal fixed so its reliable. The extended battery has done great. I do love the screen on this also.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

To me, the battery door feels cheap...when it's off. But im really liking the design. It's very streamline and fits snug with no give...easy to get off too unlike the D3s.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
And I don't think this phone feels cheap overall like everyone says. It's got some decent weight to it and it feels solid. Coming from a D1 and D2 that says a lot. Only thing I find cheap about it is the rattling volume button.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk