ok here is my 2 cents.. i am rooted and will be blocking this ota update. not to say i am not excited about this update i have freinds who have a droid that don't understand the time i spend installing roms..but to me it like a new phone every other day or so.. so they will finally be able to get live wallpapers (which i don't use they were cool for a day or so) multi touch and so on. there are 2 diffrent kind of droid users out there ones that root and ones that don't.. we should not beat up on one another about what one does with there phones. this is a forum everyone should be able to post there opionions without someone taking offense to it.. this is Droid forums and they welcome both users.. as stated earlier as well i would like to know the number of root users on 2.1 versus the number that will be receiving the OTA update.. could be interesting \.. just my 2c. i also fell like i need to stick up for the devs a littlebit. someone posted earlier that they just throw things at a rom more or less. these guys spend hours trying to make a rom work smooth and giving us all something that we want.. kudos to them they know more about it than i do.. and they give it away. to them thanks. stock users i am sure if you don't like it there will be a easy way to root in less than a week