honestly ignored the entire rooting thing. i need to now do my research.
why that rom?
why that rom?
Threads merged.
I find it hard to believe that you guys can't see the sticky that says if you are having issues, come in here.
Laggy Incredible has been discussed many times in here. Try a factory data reset. That will more then likely fix any issues you are having. Also make sure you dump any task killers or virus protection.
Which sites have flash that you have visited? I hear about "my flash is working great on sites with flash" but no one says what site it is. C'mon help me out here... At this point I don't even know if my flash has ever kicked in or not, I don't think it has. This Flash is a big mystery as to what phones are actually getting it to work...
My battery life went to hell after 2.2 uploaded. It stayed that way for about 6 days, no matter what settings or GPS or any of that. Then all of a sudden it got better than had been BEFORE the upgrade. Now I get at least 48 hours of normal use. They fixed whatever issue is was on the original Droid. Keep complaining here and to your salesmen and anyone else you can think of.
The funny thing is that a Verizon Rep installed all 3 of these apps on my phone without asking when I went in for a new battery cover....go figure
Thanks to the wonderful wonderful members who gave me such great advice!!
For my data it gives me 128139.80KB/UNLIMITED not like the 5Gb/$30 month. Does anyone else have this unlimited, or do you have 5GB? I'd like to know, incase I'm being billed for a much larger data plan in some kind of package as I was under the impression I had a 5GB.
[but now since Froyo 2.2 update I am getting messages trying to play YouTube videos that it is not available for mobile playback. I can still play it in the browser (thanks to Flash 10.1) however but not using the YouTube app. I don't like this and am about to complain to Verizon about this. Anyone else have this problem. I am paying for UNLIMITED and expect that.