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2.2 Froyo Issues and Questions? Come in Here.

For those with internet lag, try dolphin browser hd. That way, the flash files don't load up right away and you tap them to start. makes websites load faster and lag less for me, anyways.
FroYo issues thus far:
language changes for weather and clock apps
weather and calendar need to reload sometimes
lost all custom ringtones
lost all music playlist
Taking 10 hours to download on even 3G .. there is something wrong with possible corruption.

It doesn't take but a few minutes to download.

I was having problems with my Droid prior to the update. A day before and the day of when I got my update my phone kept restarting on its own. The day I got my update my phone kept restarting consecutively for about 45mins before I just shut the phone down completely. I took it into my local Verizon store, and they guy was a complete ditz because all he did was swipe my phone's screen back and forth. He told me that usually the problem is within an app. (Funny considering I only have 3-4 apps downloaded to my phone) That is when he told me of the upcoming update for the Incredible. Ironically the night I took my phone in, is the night I got the download for the update. However before I knew my phone was going through the update, I downloaded the "Anti Virus" app to see if maybe it would detect anything in my phone, and it did, several things in fact, unfortunately I was being impatient and didn't bother to see what the problems were and had the app fix my phone.

Interesting...your the first person I've ran across who found a virus..... I"ll have to investigate that more.... I suppose it could happen.. just haven't ran across it yet.
So! If anyone hasn't received the update yet, or had the same problem I did. Just factory restart your phone, and more than likely when you go to "System Updates" your new update will be there.

Also the Verizon associate informed me that the storefronts will have the update next month if you want to go in and have them manually do it for you, she also stated that although the update is not mandatory, your phone will have problems on the Verizon network until you finally update.

Sounds like either you had corruption or a problematic app loaded, otherwise your phone wouldn't work perfect after a factory reset.
Especially if you had the issue before the update attempted to install.
Make sure you don't have any antivirus installed. I have been through 4 phones now because my battery life was at about 1-1/2 to 2 hours plus freezing screens when trying to get to home screen, etc. Blamed it on the update. Have spent literally HOURS AND HOURS researching to see what I could do and saw all the notices about removing task killer which I did at about phone #2. Yesterday I innocently asked a question on this forum if I needed Lookout AND antivirus and was encouraged to delete both of them - the experts here say they really serve no purpose.

THE RESULTS!!!! Today, IT IS 2:26 AND I HAVE A 90% FULL BATTERY!! OH HAPPY DAY!! GLORY HALLELUJAH!!! Before, I would have been on my second charge of the day by now. I CAN'T BELIEVE that removing 3 apps gave my phone back to me after all I've been doing to try to "fix" it. It's still because of the update, as I understand - it's the way Froyo and Antivirus, Task Killer, etc. function together.

I URGE, URGE, URGE ANYONE WHO IS HAVING BATTERY PROBLEMS TO REMOVE ANY ANTI-VIRUS AND TASK KILLER APPS AND JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS. It's worth a shot, right? You can always install them again if this doesn't work.

The funny thing is that a Verizon Rep installed all 3 of these apps on my phone without asking when I went in for a new battery cover....go figure

Thanks to the wonderful wonderful members who gave me such great advice!!
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So battery life is still not what I would expect.

5 hrs of tuneinradio, half hour of MP3's, 30 minutes on the web. 2150 mAh extended life battery bump charged this morning - no texts, no phone calls.

Up Time is 7:51, Awake Time is 5:55, 20% battery remaining.

Usage is as follows: Cell Standby 31%, Phone Idle 29%, Android System 23%, Display 8%, Tuneinradio 3%, Mediaserver Intenet and Dialer are each 2%.

Seems like the phone (standby and idle) and Android itself are the primary offenders.

No 3rd party task killers, no live wallpapers, nothing running in the background that I can find.

Still do not see how this is 'normal' when my BB Storm which provided much of the same capability if a little slower, could go all day without a charge when being used essentially the same.
FroYo issues thus far:
language changes for weather and clock apps
weather and calendar need to reload sometimes
lost all custom ringtones
lost all music playlist

I had to install the HTC Sync 2.2 upgrade that came with FroYo which I didn't know I was suppose to do. Everything is fine now.
Has anyone actually gotten Adobe Flash Player 10.1 to work on their INC? Starting to think that the OTA 2.2 update was more hype than actual better user experience with the device. I can't get flash 10.1 to work, hotspot requires another monthly fee, according to VZW's pdf on new features for 2.2 better battery life (yeah right,) yea there's some other features (720p, N wireless, etc.) but the major points of the release don't seem to be that accessible to a lot of users. I don't think I'll be that excited next time I see a OTA update if this is what I have to look forward to. BIG DEAL....the next update will be to fix the new issues created by this update, haha.
Has anyone actually gotten Adobe Flash Player 10.1 to work on their INC? Starting to think that the OTA 2.2 update was more hype than actual better user experience with the device. I can't get flash 10.1 to work, hotspot requires another monthly fee, according to VZW's pdf on new features for 2.2 better battery life (yeah right,) yea there's some other features (720p, N wireless, etc.) but the major points of the release don't seem to be that accessible to a lot of users. I don't think I'll be that excited next time I see a OTA update if this is what I have to look forward to. BIG DEAL....the next update will be to fix the new issues created by this update, haha.

I can't say about how it works on the Incredible but on the D1 I ran different versions of 2.2 and they all made my Droid run great. It wasn't hype, it's a good update.

Flash works on both my now stock D1 and on my D2. Works really well as a matter of fact. Wireless hot spots, that's a verizon decision. We can now (finally) use bluetooth voice call.

If you're having issues you probably need to do a factory data reset, if you're using antivirus or task killers get rid of them.

I have an issue or two, it's not perfect but clearly the cause of any issues I have are with the app, not the OS.
Has anyone actually gotten Adobe Flash Player 10.1 to work on their INC?
Flash from the OTA updated works with occasional glitches based on which site I was on... but I installed the recent adobe flash update and now things are very smooth on sites with flash.
Has anyone actually gotten Adobe Flash Player 10.1 to work on their INC?
Flash from the OTA updated works with occasional glitches based on which site I was on... but I installed the recent adobe flash update and now things are very smooth on sites with flash.

Which sites have flash that you have visited? I hear about "my flash is working great on sites with flash" but no one says what site it is. C'mon help me out here... At this point I don't even know if my flash has ever kicked in or not, I don't think it has. This Flash is a big mystery as to what phones are actually getting it to work...
DI laggy since 2.2!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone elses DI laggy after 2.2? Every time I slide down the unlock to answer a call or text there is a slight lag! Also scrolling through homescreens as well.
i think verizon might just make me root with this update! didnt consider it b4 but now...

I was on the fence about rooting because I didn't want to be the few that had problems and ruin my phone but I felt like my phone was already ruined with the update. I do think it was the best thing I ever did for my phone in the end. My phone has been on for 24 hours with 2 hours of awake time and I'm still at 27% battery on stock.