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2.2 Froyo Issues and Questions? Come in Here.

Update on battery life.

I removed ATK but am still using JuiceDefender because the first attempt with no 3rd party management had the battery almost dead by lunchtime. Today with 5 hours of I Heart Radio, 10 minutes of internet surfing, occasional e-mail checking, no text or anything else I am at 30% battery remaining. Systems page shows 8:15 Up time, 5:14 Awake time, Cell Standby 28%, Android System 27%, Phone Idle 25%, Display 7%, Mediaserver 6%, Voice Calls 3%, Dialer (???) 2%, iheartradio 2%.

This is with the Verizon extended battery (2150 mAh) on a full charge overnight. I plan to try the bump charge method this evening but am still very unhappy with battery life - it would be dead and on the charger now if I had used the web or more e-mail.

Still have a hard time believing that all the bloatware and such is unrelated to the performance and battery life issues.
The other thing that I have noticed is that I know have a 3rd drive on the phone when viewing in Windows Explorer called CD Drive (G:) Verizon Mobile. I don't know if this was part of the update or if it was created when I clicked on the 'My Verizon Mobil' ap. Anyone know what this drive is used for?
Update on battery life.

Systems page shows 8:15 Up time, 5:14 Awake time,

sounds like something isnt letting your phone sleep. may be a rogue app keeping it awake. 5 hours plus of awake time with 8 hours total uptime seems like either you are in fact using the hell out of your phone or something is keeping it awake
Cyanogen 6/Beatiful Widgets

I got the Froyo update and it was killing my battery hella fast too. I rooted and am now running Cyanogen 6.0 and my battery lasts way longer. My question is how come beautiful widgets isn't showing up? I have it in my app drawer but when I long press the home screen, and look through widgets it doesn't show up. Like I said, I'm running Cyanogen 6.0.
Update on battery life.

Systems page shows 8:15 Up time, 5:14 Awake time,

sounds like something isnt letting your phone sleep. may be a rogue app keeping it awake. 5 hours plus of awake time with 8 hours total uptime seems like either you are in fact using the hell out of your phone or something is keeping it awake
This is what is so confusing. I listen to MP3's or iheartradio, make a couple calls, surf very little during the day and still the battery gets hammered - even though it is the extended life battery.

I find it wierd that Cell Standby and Phone Idle consume so much. I was running a Live Wallpaper (Magic Smoke) but switched to a static wallpaper this morning and results are as follows:

Battery page shows 4:32 since unplugged, 2:51 Awake, 70% remaining. Cell Standby 31%, Android System 29%, Phone Idle 27% (that is 87% of battery consumption), with Mediaserver 6%, display 5%, and Dialer 2%.

I listened to MP3's for less than hour and have 2.5 hours on iheartradio, no calls, no texts, 5 minutes on the web, and have checked e-mail 3 times.

I just don't get it because there were reports that on 2.1 people were seeing 9 hours on the basic battery but my battery life is unacceptable since I am not hammering the device - I would understand if I was beating it up.

Really disappointed with battery life - everything else is great.
Did the 2.2 update broke my exchange contacts?

HTC Incredible, just got the 2.2 OTA update a couple days ago. I sync my droid with my exchange 2007 contacts, gmail contacts, and facebook contacts. Right off the bat most of my contacts were listed by "Last, First" but there were a handful that weren't. So I went through all of them, linked where i could, and made sure that all contacts were listed as last name, first name. It was a little tedious, but I eventually got it done. Until 2.2 came around......

As the 2.2 update was installing, I happened to be in my outlook contacts on my computer. As the update progressed I noticed that all my contacts started to rearrange themselves. Now, everything in outlook and in my phone is sorted by "First, Last", and I can't get them back. I've found a setting or two in outlook that refer to sorting "Last, First" but they still do not appear this way.

Any idea how I change it back? Thanks in advance.
Telling you bro

Root that phone and run Cyanogen 6 and you're battery will last a lot longer. I don't know why, there are probably some people on here that are smarter than me that DO know why, but all I know is I got the 2.2 Froyo update and it was KILLING my battery. Rooted and flashed Cyanogen 6.0.0 (which IS Froyo as far as I know) and it's all good now. Plus I got wireless tether on this bad boy.
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Hmm, today my phone has:

10:20:42 up time

1:07:10 awake time

74% battery left.

I'd say that's not too shabby!

Also, I don't have my brightness at a sliver anymore, I just use automatic. I have noticed one odd thing-- Screebl Lite takes up 71% of my battery. Wtf?
What does it mean to pull the battery with a restart?

If you simply want to completely clear caches and give the system a fresh start.... shut down and after the phone is off.. pull the battery.. wait 15 seconds or so.. put the battery back in and fire it back up... thats what I mean't.

iF you get a bad enough jam you will have to do a "hard restart".... that means pulling the battery while the phone is still on.... this is a more brutal approach you should only do if absolutely necessary... its similar to holding the start button down for 4 seconds on your computer and forcing it to die in its tracks.... more dangerous for corrupting information, but good if your really having problems cause it will it to come up with the last known good configuration.... lots of similarities.

Doing a system factory reset on the other hand is like restoring your phone back to its original state when you bought it.... period... everything else is gone!

Again, just like with computers.. you never do that unless there is no other viable option because of the time needed to reinstall and configure everything.

IMO some programs don't make the firmware evolution gracefully.. I really believe thats the case with Handcent... Its been 3 days now... I have had zero autorestarts from the phone and no crashes and my system is fast again.... seriously.
2.2 for me made the internet more laggy when scrolling. Its like the framerate of the browser dropped from 60 to 30, its no longer fluid. Also, loading pages is slower overall. Switching the screen orientation is also much more slow, and is annoying. Battery life is down about 20% and charging takes twice as long (WTF?) The scroll down to unlock the phone is laggy and sometimes doesnt respond. Lastly, swiping through the home pages is more laggy and not as fluid.

Are you using the stock browser?
I am and I feel its much faster.. but I assumed thats from Flash being installed the browser no longer "hangs" trying to read flash items.
I feel my browser speed has doubled.
The new Droid Incredible update began downloading to my phone on Sept 1st and took close to 10 hours to finish downloading. When it finally finished I was given the option to "install now" or "install later" I hit the "Install now" option several times and nothing happened. Irritated with the phone, I opted out for "Install later" which made the OTA message disappear. Well 9 days later I have not once received the message again to download the update. For 9 days straight I have been shooting emails back and forth as well as phone calls with Verizon who haven't been much help. They keep reassuring me that I will get the update, and that it is only done in batches. They also have been giving me troubleshooting sequences that I can preform on my phone to assure that when I get the option to update again it will go through.
The software states that my phone is currently up to date.
Software 2.1-Update1 is what my phone reads and is clearly not up to date.

I'm concerned about this because several online sources are stating that Verizon was suppose to be finished pushing out this update on Sept 3rd.
Is there anyone who still hasn't received the update or having a similar situation? A Verizon representative told me over the phone that they are not the ones who distribute the update. I plan on heading to a Verizon store tomorrow to talk to a person face to face, and even though I've already done this, perhaps they can give me some new information, or at least give me a new phone.
Taking 10 hours to download on even 3G .. there is something wrong with possible corruption.

It doesn't take but a few minutes to download.
Another battery update. I shut the phone down completely this morning after charging all last night to the green light. I left it off and charging for another 1:15 to green light again. I may have never gotten a full charge on it before today - doh!

Today, I have 30 minutes of MP3's, half hour of iheartradio, 10 minutes on the web, and half hour setting up my exercise routine on DroidFit. Shows Up Time 2:51, Awake Time 1:00 - usage is Android System 58%, Display 20%, Cell Standby 14%, Mediaserver 4%, Phone Idle 2%, DroidFit 2%. Just went to 90 battery%.

I have removed ATK and JuiceDefender - no 3rd party task killers on board at this point.

Only issue I have now is iheartradio seems to be getting shutdown/idled by the FroYo task killer now as it locks up about every 10 minutes - I have screen timeout set at 2 minutes with a security/password to login. Any ideas? I can't seem to find a setting to ensure iheartradio stays on.

Arrrrgh!!!! Update only 4 freaking hours later

Now shows Up Time 6:57, Awake Time 5:05, and only 30% remaining - thinking I might have to do a hard reset, reload the apps I actually use. This is crazy, I have the 2150mAh extended life battery which almost doubles capacity and I can only get 7 or 8 hours of little use?

All I have done for the last 4 hours with the phone is listen to iheartradio, no calls, no texts, no web, display off - WTF??

I miss my Storm, didn't think I would say that.
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Taking 10 hours to download on even 3G .. there is something wrong with possible corruption.

It doesn't take but a few minutes to download.

I was having problems with my Droid prior to the update. A day before and the day of when I got my update my phone kept restarting on its own. The day I got my update my phone kept restarting consecutively for about 45mins before I just shut the phone down completely. I took it into my local Verizon store, and they guy was a complete ditz because all he did was swipe my phone's screen back and forth. He told me that usually the problem is within an app. (Funny considering I only have 3-4 apps downloaded to my phone) That is when he told me of the upcoming update for the Incredible. Ironically the night I took my phone in, is the night I got the download for the update. However before I knew my phone was going through the update, I downloaded the "Anti Virus" app to see if maybe it would detect anything in my phone, and it did, several things in fact, unfortunately I was being impatient and didn't bother to see what the problems were and had the app fix my phone. Shortly after I checked "System Updates" and sure enough there was the Froyo update, but it looked frozen. This was at about 1a.m., checked the phone at 6:30a.m. phone was still at the same download spot which was about 1/3 of the way complete. Checked after 10a.m and finally it was done, which puts me back at my original post.

I have no idea what I should do, other than take it in to an associate, and convince them there is something wrong with the phone. I did get this phone the day it came out, so perhaps it has bugs?

I took my Incredible into a storefront today, and explained my situation to the associate, and of course she looked at me oddly, obviously thinking I was out to get a new phone (which was not the case). She suggested doing a factory restart on my phone which I allowed her to do. I told her I had previously thought about doing that, but wasn't sure if it was good for the phone or not. She reset my phone, went straight to "System Updates" and surprise, surprise the update was there. She installed the update on my phone, then did another factory restart my phone to ensure that the update would be there, and to fix potential problems people have if they don't restart their phone after the update. In a nutshell, my phone has the update, and it is running great.

After she handed me back my phone I asked her how long she had been working there, in which she replied, "Just a few months" :icon_eek: Then I proceeded to complement her on her clear understanding of the Droid technology and customer service as opposed to a Mr. Larry from Verizon online customer service who I spent a week with, shooting emails back and forth, with nothing, but dead end advice.

So! If anyone hasn't received the update yet, or had the same problem I did. Just factory restart your phone, and more than likely when you go to "System Updates" your new update will be there.

Also the Verizon associate informed me that the storefronts will have the update next month if you want to go in and have them manually do it for you, she also stated that although the update is not mandatory, your phone will have problems on the Verizon network until you finally update.