Actually, I'm convinced that it is what they want.
They're deliberately trying to delay the Bionic ICS as long as possible to get people to give up waiting so they'll switch phones, either so they can get a profit off of the new phones, or to get more people off of their grandfathered unlimited data plans, forcing them to use their new ShareEverything plan. Verizon underestimated just how long technologically the Droid Bionic would be able to last, and because of that, they're annoyed with that model phone because if ICS and JB come out for the Bionic, that will give Bionic owners more incentive to not purchase a new phone and to keep the one they have.
That's why I'm staying with my Bionic, whether we get ICS now, or on December 32nd, or whenever it is. I know that Verizon wants me to switch phones, so I'm going to refuse, because as far as I'm concerned, they don't deserve to get what they want, because they prevented us from getting what we wanted.
I'm actually buying new parts for my phone, along with a case and screen protector (which I haven't even had for the phone yet) to keep me enticed. I love my Bionic and don't ever want it to die, amd I plan on keeping it right through the full two years-- possibly even longer than that. ^^