I was able to install a p3 kernel but it booted with no access to my sd card and battery reported it was dead,, I keep a copy of a p3 kernel on my sd card root and restored that, all worked. I notice set cpu gets funked also, it thinks it still is a 250 to 800 kernel until you have it re-detect then move the slider down and then back up, then it works. Using the low voltage 125-1000 p3 I set it to performance and got 1300 on quadracent. using the cyan theme with tang notification and changed a few things. Using an older ss theme for facebook and gmail, and leofroyo's spare parts. (went to system/app and pasted a renamed leo froyos there then went did an install, rebooted and it is sticking. I like leo's options better.
Overall have to say Jrummy16 roms are great!
also did a wipe and install to see how much better it would be. Ended up restoring an old backup of 5.0.9 and needing to do a few tricks to get everything up and happy. Just in time to find fring no longer doing skype...
tried jd's kernel, chevy1's, not bekits yet.
wifi tether working using the app, not the system setting, noticing I see my wifi tether even if it is not on, it is not sending internet but it is broadcasting that it is there. once I turn on the app it works great. USB works reat as well.