After spending quite a bit of time reading through all the posts, trying to figure out how to get this update on my phone in the current state it was (running the manual .901 update, rooted, forever rooted, safestrapped, running Eclipse 2.1 in safe mode), I went back to my non-safe mode from which I intended to apply the .901>.902 update. Before doing this the manual way (as I had with .901), I decided to check on the phone's OTA system update and, lo and behold, I was pushed the .902 update. I accepted the update, it downloaded, I accepted the install, it took me to stock recovery (skipping the safestrap boot menu), and the update installed. It rebooted, I had kept root, I had kept safestrap, and, after switching back to non-safe mode, I am back running Eclipse 2.1 on .902!! A hell of a thing...
Next step will be to put on DHacker's ICS, which, it sounds like, now has the radio sorted out. I realize having an unlocked bootloader would probably make development a whole hell of a lot easier, but I don't get why this phone gets so much grief from the cell phone community. If you read developer instructions and follow directions, this thing can be whatever you want it to be.
Thanks to everyone on this post for their help, as well as to all the developers hard at work on this device!!