I've had a Galaxy Nexus, a Rezound, and now a RAZR MAXX. Without question, I've found the MAXX is the best phone of the three.
The Galaxy Nexus is a great device, but it's a poor phone. I went through four brand new ones, all with the same terrible reception issues. It could be sitting next to a MAXX, a Rezound, and an iPhone 4S - all of which had good signal - and the Nexus would be searching for signal. I loved the screen on the Nexus, the feel of the device, and stock ICS, but if I couldn't maintain a data connection or make and receive calls/text messages, it was useless. The Nexus is also the lesser of the three when looking at battery life.
The Rezound would be a solid choice. It has a screen that's on par with the Nexus, but it has much better reception and slightly better battery life. The Rezound has the edge over both the Nexus and MAXX for sound quality. The camera on the Rezound is also the best of the three by far. It's definitely the sleeper phone on Verizon right now that doesn't get the respect it deserves. If I didn't have a MAXX right now, I would have kept my Rezound with an extended battery.
But the MAXX is just the better overall phone in my opinion. It does almost everything right from a usability standpoint. It's easily the most smooth and stable Android phone I've ever owned. The reception is fantastic and well above the Nexus and Rezound. The screen might not have the resolution of the screens on the Nexus and the Rezound, but in day to day use, there's honestly very little noticeable difference. The screen is still well above average. Plus, the screen has much better readability in sunlight than the other two. The camera is better than the camera on the Nexus, but not as good as the camera on the Rezound. It's still more than capable though. Then of course there's the battery. People will try to tell you that you can get third party extended batteries for both the Nexus and the Rezound that are just as big or bigger than the battery in the Nexus. While that's true on the box, anyone who's ever really used those monster third party batteries knows the mAh is extremely exaggerated. They all fall short of the battery life that's possible with the MAXX, and the MAXX manages to pack all of that power in such a slim form factor. With the obvious exception of the battery, the regular RAZR still has all of those usability advantages over the Rezound and the Nexus. It's battery will last you longer than the stock battery on the Rezound and the Nexus as well.
While the Nexus and the Rezound both have certain things they do better than the MAXX, in my opinion, having used each of them extensively, the MAXX is by far the best all around phone in day to day use. It's definitely worth the extra money if it's going to be your main phone.