Returned my Gnex last night, picked up the Rezound (again...) this afternoon.
Why? All of the other issues aside (screen, looks, OS, form-factor, etc), the ultimate decision maker for me was the radio. That, and ability to have data when LTE dies.
The Rezound's radio is the best I've experienced on all of them, holding 4G solid in a lot of places, and in a lot of buildings, switching instantly from 3G to 4G and back, etc. It never hiccuped (knock on wood) for me before. Also, when LTE dies, the ##778# "trick" can get me back on evdo rev. A 3G and back on track again, instead of waiting for VZW to fix LTE.
All great devices, but I pay for Verizon b/c they're supposed to be reliable - and if it wasn't for the Rezound, I'd probably jump the LTE ship completely and stick with my trusty Inc2.