There is a dialer replacement from cm9 that gives you t9 dialing. That's one of my must-haves too. But stock android dialers have never included it. If your phone is rooted you can replace it.
Yeah, it is rooted... Where can I find that for her? Atleast we can try it out and return it to stock if its buggy, sure she could appreciate that seeing that is one of her biggest issues...
Next to the home button spacebar proximity issue. I've witnessed that myself on several occasions and it is pretty damn annoying...
Thanks for the welcome re: LadyAries... She'll appreciate it... Not sure how soon she will be responding as I made sure she posted before today because she has an appointment for a relatively minor back surgery. They say the procedure has a very quick recovery so who knows!
In the mean time direct your questions to me if any...
My Rezound Rocks the Red n Black... Get over it... Now to get this thing rooted
Here you go. Rename old contacts.apk and copy this one to /system/app. Change permissions to match. I am on 4.0.3 and I don't know if this also works on 4.0.2. But try it.
It didn't work... I believe the dialer in ICS is a two or three part program... Looked like there were a couple other files involved... Take a look and maybe you could get me the other ones too??? If not, maybe it just doesn't work with 4.0.2
I did change the permissions too... No dice
My Rezound Rocks the Red n Black... Get over it... Now to get this thing rooted
if it wasn't for the Rezound, I'd probably jump the LTE ship completely and stick with my trusty Inc2.
Now I can't listen to anything else you say. That's extremist talk.
Now I can't listen to anything else you say. That's extremist talk.
Lol, I just want reliability, and LTE is anything but that.
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