Any way to disable the autocorrect sound?
Sure. In the keyboard's settings.
Long-click the arrows button (to the left of the space bar), select Appearance, and uncheck the Auto-Correction Sound option.
Any way to disable the autocorrect sound?
Sure. In the keyboard's settings.
Long-click the arrows button (to the left of the space bar), select Appearance, and uncheck the Auto-Correction Sound option.
First -- it would be dynamite to have the option to vibate on auto-correct instead of the sound. This way, one can be notified of the correction without driving other people in the vicinity crazy with sounds.
Also, I'm having an issue with a common abbreviation that I use: DX. When A.I. type "remembers" this word, it insists on de-capitalizing the second letter. This is also the case for the possessive (which should be DX's, but A.I. makes it Dx's). It would be great if this worked properly, since having to use the shift key twice to type DX is a real pain.
No prediction on landscape - even stranger. Did it happen once or is it consistent?
Landscape is a mysterious mode... Strange things happen there... The lag on landscape is indeed a mystery to us - we investigated it so many times and in so many ways but found nothing on our side. No prediction on landscape - even stranger. Did it happen once or is it consistent?
As for scrolling - you can always hide the keyboard by very-long-clicking the ?123 button. It will make scrolling easier, even in this mysterious mode...![]()
So how exactly do we resize the space bar?
After messing with the keyboard some more i think it has a bright future but it just isn't there yet. The lack quick office and other word program compatability is a major let down. Also the prediction is very odd and not very intuitive yet. Anyway I think after a few months of dev time this will be worth the price I paid. It's just not there yet.
After messing with the keyboard some more i think it has a bright future but it just isn't there yet. The lack quick office and other word program compatability is a major let down. Also the prediction is very odd and not very intuitive yet. Anyway I think after a few months of dev time this will be worth the price I paid. It's just not there yet.
That's why I have it installed but am still using SwiftKey.
I will use the best available keyboard. Right now it's SwiftKey. Before that it was Swype.
If something better works I'll switch - the keyboard is one of the most important things on a smart phone.