Nice write up. I hear you are looking for me but your method of asking for assistance while at the same time saying you don't believe anyting I've said is very tacky, your very thread is based on the premise that what I have said is true.
"I also forgot to mention that I don't think that any of this is happening right now and I don't believe anything P3Droid says whatsoever. But you guys are free to form your own opinions on that. I don't want to derail this thread to much, but I did start this whole plan in response to his android apocalypse thread. My general opinion about what is going on is that service providers don't want root users and are thinking of how they can phase that out but nothing is concrete. But I don't think they are tracking me, and I think we can still tether. At this point P3Droid has lost all credibility to me. Until he provides one piece of solid information then I refuse to believe anything he says. I'll take his OS leaks though those are tangible at least."
I do not care what you believe or what others who are not in the know believe, I put it out there for you formulate your own opinion.
As for your write up, remember I've consistently stated since October of last year that this is not confined to one carrier or manufacturer, this is industry wide.
Wow. I think that is the first full comment I have ever heard from you. And I agree with you entirely about my approach for contacting you. I also believe that I was being a hippocrate and that my entire thread was based on the idea that you were telling the truth.
But you telling me vauge information and syndicating your empty threatening nonsense on twitter, refusing to answer any direct questions, and just being an all around dismissive and arrogant person, makes you absolutely useless to any cause.
You are "in the know" except you treat the community like you couldn't care less about how they actually feel. Why not share some knowledge rather than flaunt your exclusive status. Why not check your over sized ego and stop treating the community as people beneath you but rather your peers.
I believe that you are on both sides of the fence, therefore I believe that your interest oppose.
I believe that if you actually cared then you would take the time to answer people's questions, and I believe that you would change your disgustingly arrogant and disrespectful tone.
How did you help the community may I ask? You sent them into a frenzy and then got people to stop tethering because of your personal interest, when you very well know that the updated baseband will make your patch obsolete.
I believe that your comment about how you don't care about what people think, sums up my opinion about you being an asset vs. just being an ass.
If you want to help, then start by treating your followers with some respect, change your elitist viewpoint of yourself, and most importantly, explain your statements. Back up your claims. And when people ask you something that you don't know the answer to, then respond to them saying that.
Stop these guessing games. Stop treating everyone like garbage. I cannot believe that people still respect you after the way you present yourself.
If my plan doesn't succeed. I hope at least I get you to stop your inconsiderate and disrespectful way of addressing an entire community in search for answers.
Send out messages with substance.
Stop fear mongoring.
Stop treating us like we are worth nothing to you.
If we are... and you are too good for us because you are "in the know" and we aren't, then keep it to yourself because you obviously don't give a *bleep* about helping if can't even answer a direct question, and just ignore how everyone feels.
You have thoroughly made your point regarding how you don't care and we can just formulate our own opinions. Well I have formulated my opinion and I think that you are responsible for scaring more people then helping them.
Stick to OS Leaks, or change the way you distribute leaked "info."
{{ WugFresh }}
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