I find it amazing that if you ask a question on rooting you get an instant answer, if not...
This forum has gone to the rooters.
Part of it is the inundation of people asking the same question that anyone who actually read the original post would know the answer to. It's pretty clear:
For example -- "I forced my update last week -- will I get the new OTA?"
As a side note this new full update will not work once you use last weeks OTA update. The script specifically looks at what you currently have running.
It's even in bold, folks.
"Do I need to be rooted to install this?"
I verified this by using RSDLite 4.7 from Peter Alfonso along with the ESD20 SBF file (The original 2.0 that came on the DROID back in Nov when I got my phone), and then immediately...booted into recovery and let it run the update - and I now have a nice, virgin 2.2 (FRG01B) OS on my phone.
This shouldn't need explaining to anyone who rooted, but even those who didn't should pay attention to the following phrases -- "original 2.0 that came on the DROID" and "virgin 2.2". Since the Droid
never came rooted from the factory the fact that he has a
virgin install means it's
not rooted now and it'll update from
any previous version of Droid-flavored Android.
The rest of the post says it'll work with Clockwork Recovery, SPRecovery, and stock recovery, further proof you don't need to be rooted to get it. My Droid didn't come with SPRecovery on it, and I doubt yours came from Motorola with Clockwork Recovery on it either. It also says it's the exact same build as the OTA that went out, just a different file. This one replaces the entire OS instead of just patching files, so other than being a less-bootloop-prone method, it's the
exact same thing as far as the end-user is concerned. Furthermore, since it's the same build, if you already updated you don't need to flash this one in, unless you're having some problems and think it might be due to the update. Then you should consider giving this a try and see if it fixes your issues.
So, now that the circus seems to be chasing the knife-thrower off and bringing the elephants in, it's time to choose. Either force this one or wait for the OTA to push it to your phone.