Kept seeing this thread pop up so I had to add my 2 cents.
1. My droid runs very smooth. VERY smooth. Just as smooth as an iphone. I like my droid, so I won't be getting an iphone.
2. @jeffv2 and any other iphone supporters - let's not forget that this is Droid Forum - Covering all Verizon Droid & Android Phones - Droid, Droid 2, Droid X, Incredible and more. if you really want to talk up your iphone, do it on a forum of iphone owners that want to hear it.
That is all.
Haha while i agree with # 1, #2 is off. Lol its a tech site. Intellectual debates are necessary. Its like a baseball site, if the D-backs have a forum you know their will be some team debates but its fair game becuase its still bout baseball. Same game on this site.its fun debating anyway.
Understood. Just throwing in my 2 cents is all, just like the rest of you.
@ jkhonea, I don't think I was out of line...(?) And by "that is all" I meant that is all I want to say on the subject. I'm out of it now.
That's fine if you just meant that was all you had to say. That wasn't how it came across. It is very possible to have very good conversations about both of these devices on a forum without animosity coming out. If I see signs of anything that could be animosity or misinterpreted, I address them. If I misunderstood you I apologize. Like i said, your post just came off different.