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Anybody else ready to kick their Bionic to the curb?

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Frustrated is not even close!
I can't even get 3G signal most of the time.
No data "ALOT".
They are sending my 2nd replacement tomorrow. 3rd actual Bionic!
I travel coast to coast. Was in Dallas TX and couldn't even get 3G.
Anyone else having these issues?? :angry:

Just most people with 4g phones...Look around, its not the bionic. Its almost all 4g phones. I have a friend with a razr, his drops just like my bionic. I've seen people on here with rezound and nexus saying they had data drop issues as well. We either wait for a fix, or go back to a 3g only phone.
curb kickin'

my 2 cents..love my bionic now, w/893 & ext batt, live in 4g area and life is good w this phone..future updates will only increase performance so im set for now & have no worries...although everyone has prob thot of this already, if ur fone has weird probs just go and hammer the vz reps & make em fix it...my had one minor, they jumped rite on it and fixed it rite in the kiosk...but u all kno what sux...this fone was released prematurely, almost a beta version in my opinion...the 893 made it the fone it shoulda been from day one, but the bad rep it rec at first will only hurt sales and will do nothing for moto or vz...you guys listenin? appears that this is pretty much bus as usual for fone companies but it does the customer no good...u guys need to realize that without customers you got nuthin plus it makes cust look elsewhere...just a tip...bottom line is im keepin mine! for now anyways lol
I hang out here because I'm also a Droid user. I happen to like both, whats the problem with that. But as I'm entitled to my opinion sam as everyone else I'm going to voice as such, just like you and everyone else. I always say i don't like moto's because i think blur is very intrusive, but thats just me. Like i said, just cuz the bionic didn't work for me, does not mean that no one else will like it. Jeez, relax and get off my koolaid.

Sorry Bro i dont want to bash you... but you seem to be a bionic hater with the thread you started. My point is what phone out there is everything to everyone...NONE. Tell me what the I4 can do.... that the Bionic cant. The dropped data is verizon.. not bionic. I know this phone will run circles around the I4 but i dont go on the i4 forms and post it. If you dont like the bionic then move on...if you are a droid user....what phone and why.....is there something you like about it that I4 cant do??
OK no more Koolade:icon_ devil:
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I guess not... but I expected better performance than my Droid 2.... plus the data issues are killing me... obviously not literaly.

If you're not getting better performance than your Droid 2, something's wrong, or you've got a rogue app hogging resources somewhere.

I get better performance than my Droid 2 even when I'm locked to 3G/CDMA-only. Screen is better, response time on apps is better, WiFi is faster, and data is faster whether it's CDMA or LTE.

Griping about ICS when there's only one phone that has it is also premature. If three more MONTHS go by without it, I'll probably get antsy, but it needs to be engineered to match the phone, and on top of that, approved by the carrier. And then, we may have another round of "point-oh release" issues; Google already has Android 4.0.3 out and is still tweaking it. I have no issues waiting until things are tuned.

I'm not saying the Bionic hasn't had issues for some people --however some of the issues may be attributable to Verizon's 4G infrastructure as well. Most people who have the .893 and .901 updates have had at the very least a reduction in issues.
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I bought my bionic retail launch day and was planning to use my upgrade on the gnex but honestly the only disappointment I've had is with it's camera aside from that im hanging in tight for ICS because the gnex is a great phone but its not worth the 2 year contract with Verizon in my opinion
Just like I do not cancel my cable when there are outages, nor do I turn off my electricity because it went out. Now, I have been conpensated with my cable company when it a while to fix the problem.
My bionic is stable, works great and does most everything I would like it to do. I have very reasonable expectations of a smartphone. It is not a perfect device, none are. I strayed from Motorola on a few occasions in my cell phone life since the early 90s but I always end up back with moto. My last 3 month venture with the LG 4g phone was a nightmare, where it would not allow me to set how often to check for emails and a battery that was only a few hours of life. I was so glad to have a Bionic after that. Even on 3g with my d2 I could beat most of my friends searching for something ( without racing). Most friends have the istuff, but many have admired my device and these are busy moms- not tech people who mess a lot with root, boot, or speed tests. Just real world use, for real world people who want a device that does what they want it to do.

Now if one of the techies can make a different phone do my laundry, drive kids to practices, help kids with homework, and cook dinner..... I might look at changing!
And in MY area, Verizon works reliably. But I do miss Alltel!

ETA- I do look forward to what new things happen with an update! :)
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Sorry Bro i dont want to bash you... but you seem to be a bionic hater with the thread you started. My point is what phone out there is everything to everyone...NONE. Tell me what the I4 can do.... that the Bionic cant. The dropped data is verizon.. not bionic. I know this phone will run circles around the I4 but i dont go on the i4 forms and post it. If you dont like the bionic then move on...if you are a droid user....what phone and why.....is there something you like about it that I4 cant do??
OK no more Koolade:icon_ devil:

Im not Bionic hater per se, as i had one lol. I just didn't have a very good experience with it, but i know a lot of others who have never had an issue which is normal. I didn't start a thread about the bionic but i do chime in sometimes on certain threads lol. Umm..there really isn't a difference between either of the top 2 mobile OS's. They both have come so far that they are nearly on par with each other so that its basically down to hardware now a days. My MAIN reason for having an iPhone is have ALL of my music on iTunes which is on my iMac lol. I have put a lot of money into Apple/iTunes, so its almost necessary for me to have an iPhone, not because i think its better than Android because in fact, I don't.

If you have been reading most of my posts lately, i have been saying I'm thinking of coming back with either the GNex or Rezound. But I'm almost tempted to just wait for the next wave of super phones to see what we get.
Now that 901 is on my phone I'm very happy with the Bionic,its the phone I wanted it to be and should hold me over for at least a year and a half.
I guess not... but I expected better performance than my Droid 2.... plus the data issues are killing me... obviously not literaly.

If you're not seeing more performance than your Droid 2, you are broken.

I just gave my Bionic to my gf (she had a Droid2) and she LOVES it. She keeps raving about how much smoother and faster it is.
Im not Bionic hater per se, as i had one lol. I just didn't have a very good experience with it, but i know a lot of others who have never had an issue which is normal. I didn't start a thread about the bionic but i do chime in sometimes on certain threads lol. Umm..there really isn't a difference between either of the top 2 mobile OS's. They both have come so far that they are nearly on par with each other so that its basically down to hardware now a days. My MAIN reason for having an iPhone is have ALL of my music on iTunes which is on my iMac lol. I have put a lot of money into Apple/iTunes, so its almost necessary for me to have an iPhone, not because i think its better than Android because in fact, I don't.

If you have been reading most of my posts lately, i have been saying I'm thinking of coming back with either the GNex or Rezound. But I'm almost tempted to just wait for the next wave of super phones to see what we get.

I just want to say, compared to other, unnamed, former Bionic users who come back here to whine, you handled this very well and gave us an opinion without coming off as a monstrous troll. Your first post was a LITTLE condescending, but I don't think it was intentional, and you are right you have an opinion just like us. The important part is you don't use your opinion to spew hate and call names and get into e-fights, but rather to give another perspective. You responded to that one guy calling you out in a friendly but straightforward manner almost unheard of on internet forums. Props to you.

I admit, if I had a faulty Bionic I'd probably be pretty mad too, especially since I came from a POS X2 before hand. I would've taken a blood oath to swear off Motorola forever. So I can empathize with those of you who just straight up disliked their Bionic. I don't blame you. But there's no reason to call others names or "Bionic zealots," as one user so eloquently posted, just because you were screwed over and they weren't. Also Sub-Zero is a bad ass, so bonus points for you.

As for the next phone, I personally would just hold off for the quad cores. Yeah, they'll have bugs on release...so wait a few months before you buy. It'll only be another month or two before a whole new squad of flagships come flying in, so if you can manage that long I'd personally just wait. Conversely, I think the Rezound is better than the Nexus. An unlocked bootloader isn't the end of the world for other phones. All these other phones will still have plenty of rooted customization options, so unless you plan on REALLY going all out with phone modding, unless you want a slightly larger screen, I see no benefit to the Nexus. ICS is still buggy, no removable storage (a major letdown), and mediocre battery life. I've been hearing great things about the Rezound though, my only complaint is the ugly extended battery...
Actually the internal memory is pretty nice. It all goes to one place, no media area or any of that. And I don't have any bugs and the battery is just short of the killer life my Bionic has. Keep in mind the people with the problems are the ones that post most. Same with any phone really.
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