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Anybody else ready to kick their Bionic to the curb?

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Actually the internal memory is pretty nice. It all goes to one place, no media area or any of that. And I don't have any bugs and the battery is just short of the killer life my Bionic has. Keep in mind the people with the problems are the ones that post most. Same with any phone really.

For sure, and if you're looking for simplicity like that, then definitely take it. Personally I use different SD cards for different things and switch them out fairly often so removable storage is almost essential for me. Trust me, if anyone knows only those with problems post it's me, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem. People are having those complaints, but if your point is MOST phones work just fine, which I'm sure they do, then I would just go with a Bionic! :D It seems to be the middle ground for all of the other flagships. The Rezound is the same. In my opinion you can't lose with any of them, so it comes down to phone design and screen type. Do you like the contour? Do you want a super skinny phone? Do you want a 4.6 in screen? Are you outside a lot? Are you going to use an extended battery/do you think the extended battery is ugly? That sort of thing. The hardware differences are minute, I've used them all at this point, and speed wise they all run flawlessly. This is just the way I see it, I'm sure plenty of people will disagree, but I think it ultimately comes down to removable battery, removable storage, Motorola or HTC. Pick your poison. :happy3:
Actually the internal memory is pretty nice. It all goes to one place, no media area or any of that. And I don't have any bugs and the battery is just short of the killer life my Bionic has. Keep in mind the people with the problems are the ones that post most. Same with any phone really.

However, you lose USB Mass Storage Mode. And the ability to upgrade to a larger capacity, though that's probably only a big thing if your smartphone is your music player.

That's not a knock on the Nexus; it's just a choice you have to make. The GNex has its pros and cons, just as the Bionic does.
I just want to say, compared to other, unnamed, former Bionic users who come back here to whine, you handled this very well and gave us an opinion without coming off as a monstrous troll. Your first post was a LITTLE condescending, but I don't think it was intentional, and you are right you have an opinion just like us. The important part is you don't use your opinion to spew hate and call names and get into e-fights, but rather to give another perspective. You responded to that one guy calling you out in a friendly but straightforward manner almost unheard of on internet forums. Props to you.

I admit, if I had a faulty Bionic I'd probably be pretty mad too, especially since I came from a POS X2 before hand. I would've taken a blood oath to swear off Motorola forever. So I can empathize with those of you who just straight up disliked their Bionic. I don't blame you. But there's no reason to call others names or "Bionic zealots," as one user so eloquently posted, just because you were screwed over and they weren't. Also Sub-Zero is a bad ass, so bonus points for you.

As for the next phone, I personally would just hold off for the quad cores. Yeah, they'll have bugs on release...so wait a few months before you buy. It'll only be another month or two before a whole new squad of flagships come flying in, so if you can manage that long I'd personally just wait. Conversely, I think the Rezound is better than the Nexus. An unlocked bootloader isn't the end of the world for other phones. All these other phones will still have plenty of rooted customization options, so unless you plan on REALLY going all out with phone modding, unless you want a slightly larger screen, I see no benefit to the Nexus. ICS is still buggy, no removable storage (a major letdown), and mediocre battery life. I've been hearing great things about the Rezound though, my only complaint is the ugly extended battery...

Thank you very much. Yea i have been around here for a lil while now, although i don't post much but i am a lurker lol. I don't think arguing solves anything because regardless u can never get them to think the exact same way as you do but u can convince them to open their mind a lil bit and understand where your coming from, if that makes sense. At the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference and your needs of the device, hence my situation. If Google could make a droid device that can integrate pretty good with iTunes that would be the ideal device for me regardless of major hardware points u know? I deal a lot with music, from listening to it to making it, so i rely on iTunes a lot.

And yes, Sub Zero is a beast!:p
Thank you very much. Yea i have been around here for a lil while now, although i don't post much but i am a lurker lol. I don't think arguing solves anything because regardless u can never get them to think the exact same way as you do but u can convince them to open their mind a lil bit and understand where your coming from, if that makes sense. At the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference and your needs of the device, hence my situation. If Google could make a droid device that can integrate pretty good with iTunes that would be the ideal device for me regardless of major hardware points u know? I deal a lot with music, from listening to it to making it, so i rely on iTunes a lot.

And yes, Sub Zero is a beast!:p

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! Apple allowing their #1 competitor to integrate into iTunes???? Yeah right!!!! They will never allow that too happen!

Honestly, I think Google would go for it, but apple never would.
However, you lose USB Mass Storage Mode. And the ability to upgrade to a larger capacity, though that's probably only a big thing if your smartphone is your music player.

That's not a knock on the Nexus; it's just a choice you have to make. The GNex has its pros and cons, just as the Bionic does.

Yea, I have 25gb's of my 32 free, don't keep much on the phone! As far as the Mass Storage, you just plug in the phone via USB and slide the files over. Not sure what the difference is?
Now that I've gotten 901 update phone is running better than expected. Im not in a big rush to root yet but. Soon as one comes out for the .901 ill be down. Even though you can get the root by downgrading method ill just wait it out

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! Apple allowing their #1 competitor to integrate into iTunes???? Yeah right!!!! They will never allow that too happen!

Honestly, I think Google would go for it, but apple never would.

Why wouldn't u jus transfer ur music from itunes to ur android phone? Lol. U don't HAVE to access itunes straight from ur android phone...

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Yea, I have 25gb's of my 32 free, don't keep much on the phone! As far as the Mass Storage, you just plug in the phone via USB and slide the files over. Not sure what the difference is?

Trust me, when you're moving 5000-7000 music files with album art to a computer only to load another hundred or so movies back onto the phone for a day and then move those 7000 files back that night, the difference is very noticeable.
Trust me, when you're moving 5000-7000 music files with album art to a computer only to load another hundred or so movies back onto the phone for a day and then move those 7000 files back that night, the difference is very noticeable.

What? Lol. U can't fit a hundred movies on a phone. And don't transfer songs back and forth...just make copies.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I'm still stock but have the .893 upgrade... I still seem to loose my data connetion 2-3 per day in the New England area. I do have to say though, when I have 4G...the phone is awesome but that's few and far between. I was on the Motorola site and I'm a little weary about flashing something that's not pushed by Verizon.

Had the same problem. Did a system reset and solved my data drops. I highly recommend it

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Ok I just read threw all 7 pages of well lets be honest- whining, and I have to say that I love my x2 however,, I have been looking at new phones, the razr the gnex the rezound and the bionic, ,,after I do my taxes, and get them back, I will be getting the bionic, don't get me wrong the other phones I looked at are all great, but the bionic is just where its at to me, the only thing that I think would make it better and I could be way off base here, is if it were global, that being said I'm only out of the country once every ten years or so, so its not a deal breaker, some one on the thread said that every new device has issues and they couldn't be more correct, whining about them sure wont make them go away, but maybe a steady flow of email to the right ppl would help? Just the late night rambling of someone e who can't sleep.

Sent from a steady 3g connection using DroidForums
I've had my Bionic for (almost) 4 months now.
Love it.

I own other things I'd kick to the curb.
Not my Bionic!
I had a bionic for about a month. Several things about the phone made me trade it out for an incredible 2.

1. I'm not in a 4G area so that was pretty much worthless to me.
2. I like to take pictures of my baby girl and trying to capture anything decent with the bionic was impossible.
3. As a developer, I don't like being tethered to a computer if something went wrong.
4. When I had it, the deodexed Rom caused root to act funky...this was fixed by doing it manually, but shortly thereafter I had to use the fastboot files over a simple framework edit...

That being said, it was still 100% better than the Droid 2. I will be in the market for another phone since ill be living in a 4G area and am considering going back to the bionic even though the gnex sounds great, I just don't trust Samsung devices.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
nope........luv my bionic. Dont think any phone would make you guys happy...


Just read the other forums, it seems like the forum for every 4G LTE device is filled with issues.

Getting a new phone isn't going to help, VZW is still ironing out firmware incompatibilities between its 4G LTE base station equipment and its phones. Part of the leaked changelog for .901 references a fix for Alcatel-Lucent equipment. Obviously, the people experiencing tons of issues with their Bionic happen to live in an area serviced by a tower using equipment that doesn't play nice with their phone. As these incompatibilities are ironed out, I expect connectivity will improve across the board. Right now, it's like the early days of wifi where there are a lot of incompatibilities between equipment.

The people whining about the Bionic's connectivity would probably be best served by a 3G device at the moment.
I hang out here because I'm also a Droid user. I happen to like both, whats the problem with that.

I agree with you, man. Actually, if I had the money i'd probably have an iOS device, an Android device, a WebOS device, and a Windows Phone 7 device. Messing with phones is one of my hobbies. Sometimes people seem to forget that we're not all fanboys. I do agree with you 100% about the iPhone 4 "just working", during my time with one I basically never had to think about it. I knew that when I went to unlock it, it would be ready; and not locked up, etc. If there's one thing I can say for my iPhone 4, it's that it was a rock solid phone.

I don't agree that Blur (in its current form) is all that intrusive, though. To me, it just seems like running a custom ROM with a fancy launcher. Actually, it's not even Blur anymore; it's "Motorola Applications Platform"
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